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academic subjects 意味

"academic subjects"の例文


  • 人文学科目{じんぶんがく かもく}、学問教科{がくもん きょうか}
  • academic     academic adj. 学問の. 【副詞】 It is a purely academic question without
  • subjects     subjects 人臣 じんしん
  • examinations in academic subjects    examinations in academic subjects 学科試験 がっかしけん
  • general academic subjects    一般教養科目{いっぱん きょうよう かもく}
  • subjects    subjects 人臣 じんしん
  • academic     academic adj. 学問の. 【副詞】 It is a purely academic question without practical ramifications. それは実用的な派生物を生みだすことのない純粋に学問上の問題だ That question is purely academic. その問題は純粋に学問に関わることだ.
  • arrangement by subjects    題目別{だいもく べつ}の配列法{はいれつほう}
  • colonial subjects    植民地{しょくみんち}の国民{こくみん}
  • commercial subjects    商業科目{しょうぎょう かもく}
  • control subjects    規制対象{きせい たいしょう}
  • core subjects    主要三科目{しゅよう さん かもく}
  • examination subjects    試験科目{しけん かもく}、受験科目{じゅけん かもく}
  • main subjects    主要科目{しゅよう かもく}
  • memory subjects    暗記物{あんき ぶつ}
  • miscellaneous subjects    雑題{ざつだい}


  • in august 25 , 1886 , he entered the military academy (japan ) as a preparatory student , and in september of the following year , he was appointed official in charge of clothing and provision for his excellent results in academic subjects .
    明治19年8月25日から陸軍士官学校 (日本)幼年生徒として入校し、翌年9月には学科優等の成績を修め被服食料官給せらる。
  • kaneyoshi was praised by people at that time as an ' unprecedented person of wisdom ' and kaneyoshi bragged about himself as ' a greater scholar than michizane sugawara ' ; he knew a wide range of academic subjects in detail from yusoku kojitsu (ancient practices and usages ), waka (japanese poetry ), renka (linked poetry ), and noh gaku (japanese noh play ).
  • those schools of foreign languages were positioned as institutes for training of people who would conduct some activities in foreign countries such as diplomatic activities , trading or missionary work , and what characterized those schools was that they emphasized education of minor languages such as chinese , russian , spanish , portuguese , malay and indian languages other than english , french , and german , the essential academic subjects for those who intend to enter imperial universities from senior high schools (old education system ).
    これらの外国語学校は外交・貿易・布教など海外活動実務者の養成機関として位置づけられ、旧制高等学校 - 帝国大学進学者にとって必須の教養であった英語・フランス語・ドイツ語のみならず、中国語・ロシア語・スペイン語・ポルトガル語・マレー語・印度諸言語など、よりマイナーな語学の教育を重視していたという点に特徴がある。
英語→日本語 日本語→英語