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accord with 意味

"accord with"の例文


  • ~と一致[調和?合致]する、~と合う
  • accord     1accord n. 一致, 調和; 同意, 合意; 協定; 自発性; 和音. 【動詞+】 The two governments have
  • accord     1accord n. 一致, 調和; 同意, 合意; 協定; 自発性; 和音. 【動詞+】 The two governments have concluded an accord. 両国政府は協定を結んだ establish an accord 協定を成立させる The two negotiators produced an accord on trad
  • in accord on    《be ~》~について一致{いっち}している◆意見や方針が
  • in accord with    ~と一致{いっち}[調和{ちょうわ}?合致{がっち}]して、~に合って、~を踏まえて◆【略】IAW His behavior is not in accord with his statement. 彼は言動が一致していない。
  • accord a commission    手数料を許容する
  • accord a privilege    特権を与える
  • accord and satisfaction    代物弁済{だいぶつ べんさい}
  • accord continuation    継続を認める
  • accord of winchester    ウィンチェスター協定
  • accord priority    優先権を与える
  • accord privileges to    (人)に特権{とっけん}を与える
  • accord with reason    道理{どうり}にかなう
  • arms accord    武装{ぶそう}に関する協定{きょうてい}
  • bilateral accord    二国間協定
  • ceasefire accord    停戦協定{ていせん きょうてい}


  • rejected a farreaching accord with the european union
    EUとの広範な協定を拒絶して ロシアとの関係強化を
  • rejected a farreaching accord with the european union
    euとの広範な協定を拒絶して ロシアとの関係強化を
  • everything is in accord with that design .
  • in 1685 , the temple was relocated in accord with the move of tadahira honda to yamatokoriyama .
    貞享2年(1685) 本多忠平、大和郡山転封に伴い随従移転。
  • and they know that you're responsible for sending them into the alternate universe , in violation of your accord with them .
    協定違反して 送り込んだのはバレてる
  • your honor , are we to have an arraignment in accord with the laws of this nation or is the state to be permitted to incite an atmosphere of prejudice ?
    裁判官 この審問は この国の法律に従い 不利益の申し立てをする 機会が与えられますか?
  • in accord with the kazoku (peerage ) system enacted in 1884 , he received the title of hakushaku (count ) for the great achievements in the meiji restoration .
  • the dance set to this music is called ' imayo mai ' (the dance in accord with imayo ), which is performed in a costume of shirabyoshi (a japanese traditional dance ).
  • in accord with the abolishment of ' special cases for the laws enforced in karafuto ' (imperial edict no .124 of 1920 ), sakhalin was incorporated into the inland on april 1 , 1943 in the name and reality .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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