recent recent adj. 最近の. 【副詞】 be of comparatively recent date 比較的最近のことである In comparatively recent times horses were the chief means of conveyance. 比較的最近まで馬が主要な輸送手段だった a fairly recent even
according according adv. (…に)従って, (…)どおりに; (…に)よれば; (…に)応じて, つれて, よって. 【副詞】 I acted strictly according to instruction. 厳密に指示どおりに行動した. 【+前置詞】 If everything goes according to plan, we'll be there b
according to according to に因って によって よれば による によると に照らして にてらして よると によれば 応じて おうじて
repeatedly , according to recent studies 危害を加えないことが強調されてます
repeatedly , according to recent studies 危害を加えないことが強調されてます
according to recent studies , he was in fact rough , and loved sake and women; especially in his later years , he was treated coldly even by his comrades of the tosa kinnoto . 最近の研究では実際には性格は粗く酒色を好んだとされ、殊に晩年は土佐勤王党の仲間からさえ疎まれていたようである。
according to recent studies (by kazuhiko kasaya and masuo irimoto ), it was in 1588 far before this that ieyasu publicly announced that his real name was minamoto . 近年の研究(笠谷和比古、煎本増夫ら)によると、家康が本姓を源氏だと公称したのはこれよりはるか前の天正16年(1588年)であるという。
previously , it was said that on this occasion korea did ' an insulting act against japan ,' which was reported to japan side , but according to recent studies , it is cleared that this description of the report was an artificiality one . かつてはこの時に「侮日掲示」を朝鮮側が行ったとされ、実際に明治日本側にそう報告されたが、近年の研究ではその報告書の記述が作為であったことが明らかとなっている。
according to recent studies , it is thought that yoshitsune was dismissed from the army to search out and kill the taira clan not because yoritomo resented the appointment of yoshitsune without his permission (as described in " azuma kagami ," which was compiled in later years ), but because yoshitsune was needed to maintain the security of kyoto and the cloistered emperor and nobles were strongly against it . 近年の研究では、義経が平氏追討から外されたのは、後年の編纂書『吾妻鏡』が記すような無断任官による頼朝の怒りのためではなく、京都の治安維持に義経が必要であり、法皇や貴族たちの強い反対があったためと考えられている。
according to recent studies , in addition to the abolition of kento-shi (japanese envoy to tang dynasty china ) in 894 , register of population , restriction of the private land , and deployment of takiguchi no bushi (the guards of the imperial palace who were in charge near the palace waterfall ) in 896 , he seems to have continuously carried out reforms to strengthen the power of kokushi (provincial governors ), such as kokushi ukeoi to make kokushi collect all local taxes in their provinces , and making each province pay the salary directly from iden (fields given based on ikai , the court rank ) without going through the minbusho (ministry of popular affairs ). 近年の研究では、従来から言われていた894年(寛平6年)の遣唐使廃止や896年(寛平8年)の造籍、私営田抑制、滝口の武士の設置等に加え、国司に一国内の租税納入を請け負わせる国司請負や、位田等からの俸給給付等を民部省を通さずに各国で行う等、国司の権限を強化する改革を次々と行ったとされている。