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according to this view 意味

"according to this view"の例文


  • この意見{いけん}では
  • according     according adv. (…に)従って, (…)どおりに; (…に)よれば; (…に)応じて, つれて, よって. 【副詞】 I acted
  • this     this pron. これ; 今, このとき; この場所. 【形容詞 名詞+】 When all this has been said,
  • view     1view n. (1) 意見, 見解; 目的; 考察. 【動詞+】 abandon a view 意見を捨てる I do not
  • according to     according to に因って によって よれば による によると に照らして にてらして よると によれば 応じて おうじて
  • according to another view    一説によれば
  • according to the prevailing view    現在{げんざい}の支配的{しはいてき}な見方{みかた}によると
  • according     according adv. (…に)従って, (…)どおりに; (…に)よれば; (…に)応じて, つれて, よって. 【副詞】 I acted strictly according to instruction. 厳密に指示どおりに行動した. 【+前置詞】 If everything goes according to plan, we'll be there b
  • according as    ~次第で、~に従って、~に準じて
  • according to    according to に因って によって よれば による によると に照らして にてらして よると によれば 応じて おうじて
  • in the view of     in the víew of O Click...
  • in this view    この観点{かんてん}から考えると
  • in view    視野{しや}(内)の、見える所に
  • in view of    in view of 鑑みる かんがみる に照らして にてらして 以て もって
  • in view of this    このような次第{しだい}なので、従って、このような事情{じじょう}にかんがみて、この点から見て
  • into view    機影{きえい}を現す


  • according to this view , the reason we want a big house
    この見方に依れば 大きな家 素敵な車や
  • according to this view , the foundation of kojima-dera temple dates back more than one century from the date the temple legend suggested .
  • according to this view , the changes in murasaki shikibu ' s environment (marriage , childbirth , loss of husband , service , etc .) were reflected in her work .
  • according to this view , as sokuikanjo was introduced due to wishes of the nijo family , it is inferred that sokuikanjo was not usually conducted if sekkan were not from the nijo family on the occasion of enthronement of the emperor .
  • according to this view , the punishment of joi-ha and the powerful lords involved in ansei no taigoku , as well as the expulsion of foreigners (a return of national isolation ) that naosuke promoted behind the treaty , were acts taken according to ' a revival of the former system through the restoration of bakufu authority .'
  • according to this view , therefore , makoto kondo , who was a rangakusha (a person who studied western sciences by means of the dutch language ) entered the service of the naval academy (japan ), was ordered at first to create the words , but there was an objection in the imperial japanese navy , therefore , sumiyoshi kawamura , who was a 海軍海補 , adopted words familiar to him as a song for celebration of his home town .
    そのため、当初、海軍兵学校 (日本)へ出仕していた蘭学者である近藤真琴へ歌詞を書かせたが、海軍内で異論があり、海軍海補であった川村純義が郷里で祝言歌として馴染みのあった歌詞を採用したというものである。
  • in other words , the clash between them was inevitable for the following reasons , according to this view: for shingen with the tripartite alliance among kai province , sagami province and suruga province as a major premise , it was inevitable to confront kenshin who was an enemy of the gohojo clan (later , shingen stormed suruga province , breaking the tripartite alliance , but was isolated and was placed in a serious military situation ), and even for kenshin , not only the takanashi family but also the echigo province constituting his base might have been placed in a dangerous state if he allowed shingen to take the northern shinano area easily .
  • in other words , the clash between them was inevitable for the following reasons , according to this view: for shingen with the tripartite alliance among kai province , sagami province and suruga province as a major premise , it was inevitable to confront kenshin who was an enemy of the gohojo clan (later , shingen stormed suruga province , breaking the tripartite alliance , but was isolated and was placed in a serious military situation ), and even for kenshin , not only the takanashi family but also the echigo province constituting his base might have been placed in a dangerous state if he allowed shingen to take the northern shinano area easily .
  • according to this view , the first oracle was about an event not related to the succession to the imperial throne (perhaps it was related to the capital relocation to yugenomiya detached palace [yuge , in kawachi province , hometown of dokyo ] done in the same year ), and wake no kiyomaro was exiled because the plan by the fujiwara clan (probably fujiwara no nagate and his younger brother fujiwara no kaedemaro ) to make up an oracle using kiyomaro was uncovered; according to this plan , the oracle says prince shirakabe or his son imperial prince osabe should become crown prince (among the grandchildren of emperor shomu , emperor shotoku ' s father , born to his daughters married into another family , imperial prince osabe was the only grandchild who had the right to ascend the imperial throne ).
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