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account of my hut 意味

"account of my hut"の例文


  • 《An ~》方丈記{ほうじょうき}
  • account     1account n. (1) 勘定, 計算; 勘定書, 計算書; 取引; 口座, 預金(口座); 掛け勘定, クレジット. 【動詞+】
  • my     my マイ 我 我が 吾が わが
  • hut     hut n. 小屋, 掘っ建て小屋; 〔軍事〕 仮兵舎. 【動詞+】 build a hut 小屋を建てる knock up a
  • hut     hut n. 小屋, 掘っ建て小屋; 〔軍事〕 仮兵舎. 【動詞+】 build a hut 小屋を建てる knock up a hut 小屋を急ごしらえする put together a rough hut 粗末な小屋を組み立てる rent a hut 小屋を貸す. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an abandoned hut
  • my    my マイ 我 我が 吾が わが
  • my!    my! おや
  • my-    {連結} : myo-の異形{いけい}◆母音の前で
  • abandoned hut    人の住まなくなった小屋{こや} He has hidden the equipment in an abandoned hut.
  • adobe hut    アドービレンガ造りの小屋{こや}
  • alpine hut    山小屋{やまごや}
  • bamboo hut    竹造りの小屋{こや}
  • beach hut    beach hut 海の家 うみのいえ
  • build a hut    小屋を建てる
  • circus hut    サーカス小屋{こや}
  • dilapidated hut    ぼろ小屋{こや}


  • kamo no chomei " hojoki " (an account of my hut )
    鴨長明 - 方丈記
  • it is partly believed to have been based on ' hojo-ki ' (an account of my hut or the ten foot square hut ) which was authored by kamo no chomei .
  • it was compiled and written by chomei kamo (1155-1216 ) who is known as the author of " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) in his later years .
  • the title of the book " hojoki " (an account of my hut ), by kamo no chomei , originates from the fact that he had written it at a hojo hermitage .
  • there are such works as the " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) by kamo no chomei and the " tsurezure gusa " (essays in idleness ) by kenko yoshida .
  • examples of these works include the " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) by kamo no chomei and the " tsurezure gusa " (essays in idleness ) by kenko yoshida .
  • in the next year , he was given a scholarship , and in response to a request from professor j . m . dixon , he translated " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) into english .
  • after he became a priest , " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) was completed in 1212 , and it is known as a foundation of literature written in the mixed writing of japanese and chinese .
  • the main building of daifukuko-ji temple built by takauji ashikaga , sanju no to (triplet tower ), and the oldest manuscript of hojoki (an account of my hut ) (national treasure ) and many valuable cultural assets .
  • " hojoki " (an account of my hut ) by kamo no chomei , " tsurezure gusa " (essays in idleness ) by kenko yoshida and this book are called japan ' s three most famous books on history and caricature .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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