accustom oneself to 意味
- ~に慣れる
- accustom accustom v. 慣らす. 【副詞1】 I am now entirely accustomed to it.
- oneself oneself pron. 自分自身; 自分で, 自ら. 【前置詞+】 She's getting above herself.
- accustom oneself to early rising 早起きに慣れる
- accustom oneself to hard work 重労働{じゅうろうどう}に慣れる
- accustom oneself to japanese life 日本{にほん}の生活{せいかつ}に慣れる
- accustom oneself to the cold 体を寒さに慣らす
- to accustom oneself to using to accustom oneself to using 使い込む つかいこむ 使い慣らす つかいならす
- accustom accustom v. 慣らす. 【副詞1】 I am now entirely accustomed to it. もうそれに完全に慣れています be fully accustomed to… …に十分慣れている You must gradually accustom yourself to the cold climate. 寒い気候に徐々に慣れな
- to accustom to accustom 慣らす ならす
- accustom one's eyes to the dark 暗闇に目を慣らす
- accustom someone to a task (人)を仕事になじませる[慣らす]
- accustom a hunting dog to the noise of a gun 猟犬を銃声に慣らす
- become accustom to working independently on a computer 一人{ひとり}でコンピュータを操作{そうさ}することに慣れる
- be oneself be onesélf (1) ?3 . (2) 〈人が〉自然にふるまう. (3) 〈人が〉まじめである.
- by oneself by oneself 自力 じりき 一人で 独りで ひとりで 自身 じしん