affability 意味
affability n. 愛想のよいこと.
【形容詞 名詞+】
- His affability to us surprised me.
- with affability 愛想よく
- with smiling affability ニコニコして愛想{あいそう}よく
- afetal {形} : 胎児と無関係の
- afesd AFESD {略} : Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development アラブ経済社会開発基金{けいざい しゃかい かいはつ ききん}
- affable affable adj. 愛想のよい. 【+前置詞】 affable and courteous in manner 愛想よくいんぎんな態度で He was affable to his guests. 客に対して愛想がよかった Although at first reserved, after a few drinks he became quite a
- afes AFES {略} : Armed Forces Examining Station 軍徴募者検査所
- affable and courteous in manner 愛想よくいんぎんな態度で
- afems AFEMS {略} : Air Force Equipment Management System 《米軍》空軍設備管理{くうぐん せつび かんり}システム
- affable countenance 優しい顔つき
- afem AFEM {略} : Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal 《米軍》軍遠征記章{ぐん えんせい きしょう}
- affable demeanor 人好きのする態度{たいど}