it also dilates the coronary arteries , so it stops angina . また 冠状動脈を拡張させて 狭心症を防ぐ効果もあります
on may 17 , 1951 , the empress teimei met her demise from angina pectoris . 昭和26年(1951年)5月17日、狭心症のため崩御。
angina . he calls it . "狭心症"だそうだ
even through her last day , the empress teimei planned to engage in the established practice of the eshaku (salutation , greeting ) ritual to labor service groups , but had an attack of angina pectoris while she was preparing for the practice , and then suddenly passed away . この日も恒例の勤労奉仕団への会釈(挨拶)を行なう予定だったが、その準備をしている時に発作を起こし、急逝。
a heart condition marked by paroxysms of chest pain due to reduced oxygen to the heart Synonyms: angina pectoris,
any disease of the throat or fauces marked by spasmodic attacks of intense suffocative pain