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at a memorial service 意味

"at a memorial service"の例文


  • 追悼式で


  • it's not embarrassing to cry at a memorial service .
    葬儀で泣くことは みっともなくないです
  • on that occasion , he served as doshi (officiating buddhist priest ) at a memorial service at monju-do hall of mt . hiei .
  • in 1017 keiso performed hokke juko (lectures on hoke-kyo sutra in eight volumes , kai-kyo [sutra read before the main sutra ] and kechi-kyo [sutra read after the main sutra ]) at a memorial service for enchin .
  • the title of this chapter was derived from the waka poem , which kaoru made for oigimi (oldest daughter of hachi no miya ) at a memorial service on the first anniversary of the death of her father: ' i hope that we will stay together for long just like these trefoil knots which you tie .'
    巻名は薫が一周忌法要に事寄せて大君に詠んだ和歌「あげまきに 長き契りをむすびこめ おなじところに よりもあはなむ」(あなたが縒り結んでいる総角結びのように、あなたと私が長く寄り添えるようになりたいものだ)に因む。
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