exchange cards (名刺を)やりとりする、名刺を交換する Exchanging business cards is an important part of doing business in Japan. 名刺{めいし}の交換{こうかん}は日本{にほん}でビジネスをする際に重要{じゅうよう}な役割{やくわり}を果たす。
yeah , well , lucky at love and lucky at cards . ああそうだ 愛の力でラッキーカード!
although she said she'd treat me , i had to treat her because i lost to her at cards . うん 奢るから来いって
i'm good at cards . ぼくはポーカーは得意だ
you just got to be honest about what can go on up here , a locked room .... but then again , i'm terrible at cards . 正直に言ってくれ なぜカギを? 推測は苦手でね