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average 意味

発音記号:[ 'ævəridʒ ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: averaged   動詞 過去分詞: averaged   名詞 複数形: averages   動詞 現在分詞: averaging   



  • living in dark waters that average two miles deep .
  • we're creating the cult of the average with science .
  • the residents ' average age is about 70 years old .
  • could raise average income by 25 to 40 percent
    インダストリアル・インターネットは 平均所得を
  • they weren't your average gangsters ! dammit !
    あれ ただのチンピラじゃねぇな ちくしょう!
  • the average is actually here , way to the left .
    平均は実際この辺 ずっと左の方になります
  • and raise quality just to the level of average oecd
  • in larger rodent brains , the average size
    大型齧歯類の場合 ニューロン自体の平均径が大きくなり
  • the reason why i reduced the average greatly ...
    その平均を 大きく下げていたのは...>
  • everything suggesting that she's quite average .
    彼女は非常に 平均的である事を示唆してる
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered; "average people"; "the ordinary (or common) man in the street"
    Synonyms: ordinary,

  • around the middle of a scale of evaluation; "an orange of average size"; "intermediate capacity"; "medium bombers"
    Synonyms: intermediate, medium,

  • approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value; "the average income in New England is below that of the nation"; "of average height for his age"; "the mean annual rainfall"
    Synonyms: mean,

  • relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values); "the median value of 17, 20, and 36 is 20"; "the median income for the year was $15,000"
    Synonyms: median,

  • relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution; "the modal age at which American novelists reach their peak is 30"
    Synonyms: modal,

  • lacking exceptional quality or ability; "a novel of average merit"; "only a fair performance of the sonata"; "in fair health"; "the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average"; "the performance was middling at best"
    Synonyms: fair, mediocre, middling,

  • Verb
  • compute the average of
    Synonyms: average out,

  • achieve or reach on average; "He averaged a C"

  • amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain; "The number of hours I work per work averages out to 40"
    Synonyms: average out,

  • Noun
  • an intermediate scale value regarded as normal or usual; "he is about average in height"; "the snowfall this month is below average"

  • a statistic describing the location of a distribution; "it set the norm for American homes"
    Synonyms: norm,

  • (sports) the ratio of successful performances to opportunities

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