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bake 意味

発音記号:[ beik ]  読み方



  • you want to wait that long for them to bake ... twice ?
    二度焼くから 時間がかかるぞ
  • dad , let's bake them and eat them with kimchi .
    蒸してキムチと食べたら・・・ 最高だよ!
  • as a yard sale or a bake sale or babysitting .
    従来のピア・ツー・ピアと 混同されてしまいます
  • i'll bake you a pineapple upside down cake .
  • but the bread you bake is horrible !
  • and i bake real cookies for the bake sale .
    焼き菓子の販売会に 私はクッキーを焼いたのに
  • and i bake real cookies for the bake sale .
    焼き菓子の販売会に 私はクッキーを焼いたのに
  • mom used to bake cookies for me all the time .
    お母さん よくクッキー作ってくれたな。
  • what if the bake sale only netted 71 dollars for charity
    バザーは 規模拡大の投資がないから
  • you can liquefy it , spray it , bake it in a fucking cake .
    ケーキに混ぜて 焼いてもいい
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • cook and make edible by putting in a hot oven; "bake the potatoes"

  • heat by a natural force; "The sun broils the valley in the summer"
    Synonyms: broil,

  • prepare with dry heat in an oven; "bake a cake"

  • be very hot, due to hot weather or exposure to the sun; "The town was broiling in the sun"; "the tourists were baking in the heat"
    Synonyms: broil,

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