become become v. (…に)なる; 似合う. 【副詞1】 He will eventually become a statesman. 結局は政治家になるだろう It would ill become you to criticize him after having made the same mistake yourself. 君自身が同じ過ちをしたあとで彼を批
become of ~はどうなるのか◆【用法】what, whatever を主語として What will become of the earth? 地球はどうなってゆくのだろう。
to become to become 赴く おもむく 似合う にあう 来る くる 似付く につく 成り変わる なりかわる 成る なる
there's a chance that you could infect others or become violent ... 他のものを 感染させるかもしれない
one would think she's a friendly person but suddenly would become violent ... 優しい人かなと思ったら 突然 凶暴になって
that's the reason why they become crazy , shut themselves up and become violent . キレたり 殻に閉じこもったり 暴走するのは そのせいなんです
they can be agitated and become violent if they sniff in the rotten blood of an animal , just like this sample . このような 動物の腐った血の臭いを嗅ぐと
those headless bodies were collected and buried in the dozuka for the repose of their souls so that they would not become violent gods . それらの胴体を集めて埋葬し弔いや荒ぶる神にならないよう祀った塚。
- kubi-zuka is a burial place of heads of persons beheaded during the war or by the judgment of trial after the war for the repose of their souls so that they would not become violent gods . - 首塚とは戦場や戦いにおいて裁かれたり亡くなった人々の首を埋葬し弔いや荒ぶる神にならないよう祀った塚。
- mokozuka is a mound at which mongolians perished in battle fields or killed in action during the mongolian invasion were buried for the repose of their souls so that they would not become violent gods . - 蒙古塚とは蒙古襲来のときに戦場や戦いにおいて亡くなった蒙古の人々を埋葬し弔いや荒ぶる神にならないよう祀った塚。
the practice of holding memorial services for tools and living things that had served their purposes derived from the belief that such things would become violent tsukumogami if people treated them without due respect or did not hold memorial services for them . また粗末に扱ったり供養を絶やすと、付喪神となり荒ぶるとする考えから、役目を終えた道具や生き物に対する供養を行う習慣につながっている。