bon festival of lunar calendar 意味
- Bon festival of lunar calendar
- bon bon ボン
- festival festival n. 祝典, 祭礼, (定期的な)フェスティバル; 祝祭日(の宴会). 【動詞+】 attend a festival
- lunar lunar 太陰 たいいん
- calendar calendar n. 暦, カレンダー; 日程表; (年中)行事. 【動詞+】 Let me check my calendar for
- bon festival 《the ~》盆祭り
- lunar calendar lunar calendar 太陰暦 たいいんれき 陰暦 いんれき
- bon festival 《the ~》盆祭り
- the bon festival the Bon Festival 盆祭り ぼんまつり
- lunar calendar lunar calendar 太陰暦 たいいんれき 陰暦 いんれき
- bon festival dance Bon Festival dance 盆踊り ぼんおどり
- bon festival gifts Bon festival gifts お中元 御中元 おちゅうげん
- bon festival lantern Bon Festival lantern 盆提灯 ぼんぢょうちん
- bon festival song 盆唄{ぼんうた}
- bon-festival lantern Bon-Festival lantern 盆灯籠 ぼんとうろう ぼんどうろう
- join in the bon festival dance 盆踊りの輪に入る[加わる]
- above all , natsumatsuri festivals held in a few days before or after the bon festival of lunar calendar are said to be deeply emotional because many people return to their homes in this season and reunite with each other .