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bond 意味

発音記号:[ bɔnd ]  読み方


  • a bond    a bond 一札 いっさつ
  • bond with    ~と仲良くなる、~と親密なきずなを結ぶ
  • bond-    {連結-1} : 公債{こうさい}の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {連結-2} : 奴隷{どれい}の
  • in bond    倉庫渡し、保税渡し値段、保税倉庫に入れて、保税倉庫留め置きの、保税倉庫留置の
  • s-s bond    S-S bond S-S結合[基礎]
  • t-bond     T-bond {略} : treasury bond 米長期国債◆米国財務省が発行する満期10年超の国債
  • bond with a temporary bond    仮接着剤{かり せっちゃくざい}で接着{せっちゃく}する
  • absolute bond    無条件債券{むじょうけん さいけん}
  • absorbed bond    完売債券{かんばい さいけん}
  • active bond    人気債券{にんき さいけん}、花形債券{はながた さいけん}、利付き債券{りつき さいけん}
  • acylmercaptan bond    acylmercaptan bond アシルメルカプタン結合[医生]
  • adhesion bond    接着剤{せっちゃくざい}
  • adhesive bond    接着{せっちゃく}ボンド
  • adjustment bond    整理社債{せいり しゃさい}
  • administrator bond    管財人証{かんざいにん しょう}


  • i'm not giving you bond 45 in the divorce , jerry .
    離婚の話にBond 45は使わない
  • I'm not giving you bond 45 in the divorce , jerry .
    離婚の話にBond 45は使わない
  • that bond won't disappear , no matter what happens .
  • first flight seals the bond , you can not wait .
    最初の飛行で本当のきずなになる 急がないと
  • watch , you despair guy ! this is our bond !
    ラリーたちが押してきてくれたんだ。 ラリーたちが?
  • yuki , this is a sign of the bond between us .
    あら アナライザー。 機械同士で ないしょ話?
  • uum , i don't think your bond with her is lost .
  • i can see that your twinly bond is firm .
    双子の結び付きは 相当 複雑で 強固なものみたいだから。
  • are you certain your bond is stronger than money ?
    お金よりも強い絆なんて あるんですか?
  • that makes us really bond with others , care for others
    絆を結んだり 慕ったりします
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a connection that fastens things together
    Synonyms: attachment,

  • a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)
    Synonyms: shackle, hamper, trammel,

  • the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition; "the mutual adhesiveness of cells"; "a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion"
    Synonyms: adhesiveness, adhesion, adherence,

  • an electrical force linking atoms
    Synonyms: chemical bond,

  • (criminal law) money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial; "the judge set bail at $10,000"; "a $10,000 bond was furnished by an alderman"
    Synonyms: bail, bail bond,

  • a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money; the issuer is required to pay a fixed sum annually until maturity and then a fixed sum to repay the principal
    Synonyms: bond certificate,

  • a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest; "the shifting alliances within a large family"; "their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them"
    Synonyms: alliance,

  • a superior quality of strong durable white writing paper; originally made for printing documents
    Synonyms: bond paper,

  • Verb
  • stick to firmly; "Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?"
    Synonyms: adhere, hold fast, bind, stick, stick to,

  • bring together in a common cause or emotion; "The death of their child had drawn them together"
    Synonyms: bring together, draw together,

  • issue bonds on

  • create social or emotional ties; "The grandparents want to bond with the child"
    Synonyms: bind, tie, attach,

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