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breathless 意味



  • {形} : 息切れした、息もつけない、息を切らした、息を殺した
    After walking up the stairs, she was breathless. 階段をのぼったあと、彼女は息切れした。


  • and i saw mrs . drucker , and she was breathless .
  • when just walking 100 meters leaves me breathless .
  • and then poignancy turns on a dime and leaves you breathless .
  • yes 4 types of unreasonable breathless enemy
  • didn't you just love breathless ?
  • and we might get breathless .
  • from the accident flashback , the feeling of feeling breathless . even now , i can still feel it .
    息が 止まりそうに なるときがある。 今でも。
  • god damn it , if i was trying to sound romantic ... you'd be lying on the floor , soaking wet and breathless ... wondering what came over you .
    ざけんな ロマンチックというのはな... お前は別の階で ずぶぬれで息を切らしてる... どうしたのか疑問に 思うだろうが俺は違うね!
  • otodo grieved and mourned on seeing the wounded and breathless diver , but with her dying words , ' look around my breast ,' he found the menko huhai no tama in her wound .
  • you ' re sucking the mouth of my womb , making me breathless , and oh , i ' m coming , your suckers , oh , your suckers , oh , i wonder what you ' re doing with these !


  • not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty; "breathless at thought of what I had done"; "breathless from running"; "followed the match with breathless interest"
    Synonyms: dyspneic, dyspnoeic, dyspneal, dyspnoeal,

  • Adjective
  • appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse; "an inanimate body"; "pulseless and dead"
    Synonyms: inanimate, pulseless,

  • tending to cause suspension of regular breathing; "a breathless flight"; "breathtaking adventure"
    Synonyms: breathtaking,

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