business 意味
- business n. 事務, 仕事, (用)件; 営業, 商売, 景気; 店, 事業, 会社; 取引, 注文; 職務; 権利; 議事; (漠然と)こと, 話.【動詞+】
- Democratic governments cannot carry on business in the present climate of terror.
- I know it's hard, but we'll just have to carry on business as usual.
困難であるとはわかっているが, いつもどおり仕事をせざるを得ないだろう
- a concern doing business to the amount of over a quarter of a billion dollars annually
年間 2 億 5,000 万ドルを超える取引を行なっている事業
- He has removed most of his business from our company and given it to another.
- It is civil servants rather than elected politicians who run the daily business of governing the country.
【+動詞】- I know you run a trading-firm, but what does your business actually involve?
あなたが貿易会社を経営しているのは知っていますが, どんなものを実際には取引しているのですか
【形容詞 名詞+】- “His wife has cancer and the children are on drugs."―“I know; it's a bad business."
?彼の女房はがんで子供らは麻薬をやってる??知ってるよ. ひどい話だ?
- It's bad business to buy stock when you don't have the capital to cover the insurance.
- I do this job as a kind of hobby. My bread-and-butter business is teaching English.
私のこの仕事は一種の趣味です. 生計を支える職業は英語の教師です
- We must make it our chief business to prevent the situation growing worse.
- give more opportunities to private business (to trade with foreign countries)
- President Nixon was forced to resign because of his involvement in the Watergate business.
【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- There was some stupid business about him and his secretary―I don't remember what.
《口語》 彼と彼の秘書のことでなにかばかばかしい話があったけど, なんだったか覚えていない
- This whole business of trying to fit the essence of astrophysics between the covers of a book is a mistake! 1
【雑】- We had rather a business getting here.―We had to change trains four times on the way.
ここに来るにはさんざん苦労したよ―なにしろ途中で 4 回も列車を乗り換えなきゃならなかったんだ
- How's business?
- Democratic governments cannot carry on business in the present climate of terror.
- at business 仕事中{しごとちゅう}で、出勤{しゅっきん}して、仕事{しごと}においては
- be not in the business of be nót in the búsiness of O …を目的とはしていない 《◆Oは通例doing》.
- be the business be the búsiness ((俗))とてもよい.
- by business {名} :
- by-business {名} : 副業{ふくぎょう}、兼業{けんぎょう}
- for business for business 商用 しょうよう
- in business {1} : 商売{しょうばい}[取引{とりひき}?事業{じぎょう}]を行って[において?として]、営業中{えいぎょうちゅう}で、商売上{しょうばいじょう}(の)、実業界{じつぎょうかい}で[における] The police suspect that he is in business with the Mafia. 警察は、彼がマフィアと取引をしているのではないかと疑っている。 -------
- in the business 売春{ばいしゅん}をして The woman standing on the street is in the business. 街角に立っている女性は、売春をしているのだ。
- in the business of ~に従事して、~を業務{ぎょうむ}として、~のつもりで
- on business on business 商用 しょうよう
- on the business 売春{ばいしゅん}をして
- business to business 企業間電子商取引{きぎょう かん でんし しょうとりひき}◆企業間での電子商取引。◆【略】B2B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
- business-to-business {形} : 企業間{きぎょう かん}の、ビジネス間の、B2B の◆【略】B2B
- business business transactions
- business-business transactions ビジネス間取引{かん とりひき}
- i'm motoba jinzaburou . this is my real business card .
的場甚三郎です 本来の名刺を - it will most certainly lead to bigger business !
必ず 大きなビジネスに つながりますから! - because our business has refused to use science .
我々の業界が 科学の利用を拒んだからです - i mean , this is a 2005 business week cover .
これは2005 年のビジネスウィーク誌の表紙です - during those years , his father failed in business .
また、この間に父の事業が失敗する。 - now let me go get this unfortunate business over with .
胸くそ悪いビジネスだけどね - do you remember where you put your business suit ?
スーツがどこか覚えてないんじゃない? - in regards to the premise of the business environment
ビジネス環境の前提に関しまして - when britannica no longer has a business model ?
何が百科事典ビジネスを取って代わるのか? - this equality business is actually a pain in the arse .
- Noun
- incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect; "his business with the cane was hilarious"
Synonyms: stage business, byplay, - the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he''s not in my line of business"
Synonyms: occupation, job, line of work, line, - the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects; "computers are now widely used in business"
Synonyms: commercial enterprise, business enterprise, - the volume of commercial activity; "business is good today"; "show me where the business was today"
- a rightful concern or responsibility; "it''s none of your business"; "mind your own business"
- an immediate objective; "gossip was the main business of the evening"
- business concerns collectively; "Government and business could not agree"
Synonyms: business sector, - a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it; "he bought his brother''s business"; "a small mom-and-pop business"; "a racially integrated business concern"
Synonyms: concern, business concern, business organization, business organisation, - customers collectively; "they have an upper class clientele"
Synonyms: clientele, patronage,