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car 意味

発音記号:[ kɑ: ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: cars   


  • by car    車で Geoffrey went to the hospital by car. ジェフリーは車で病院へ行った。
  • in a car    車中で、車上{しゃじょう}の
  • in car    {形} :
  • in the car    《be ~》車で移動中{いどう ちゅう}である、車の中にいる
  • in-car    {形} : 車内の
  • t-car     T-car {略} : training car 《モータースポーツ》スペア[トレーニング]カー、Tカー
  • (car) blinker    (car) blinker ウィンカー
  • (car) hood    (car) hood ボンネット
  • (car) mechanic    (car) mechanic 整備工 せいびこう
  • (car) muffler    (car) muffler 消音器 しょうおんき
  • (car) wheel    (car) wheel 車輪 しゃりん
  • a smoking car    a smoking car 喫煙車 きつえんしゃ
  • abandoned car    遺棄された車
  • accelerate a car    車を加速{かそく}する
  • accessories for a car    カー?アクセサリー


  • he was seriously injured in a car crash during the pursuit .
  • so , the 300 series , or whatever their newest car is
    300シリーズも 最新のモデル―
  • house is clean . car is gone . he's in the wind .
    もぬけの殻で車がない 逃げ足の早い奴だ
  • house is clean . car is gone . he's in the wind .
    もぬけの殻で車がない 逃げ足の早い奴だ
  • mr . han , why do you have a car in your living room ?
    どうして 家の中に車があるの?
  • put your backs to the walls on either side of the car now .
  • araki was calling from a rental car company .
    [無線]荒木は レンタカー店から連絡を入れた。
  • it is interfaced with the actual vacant car indicator .
  • a rental car found near niwa kanae's workplace .
    丹羽 香苗の職場近く レンタカーを発見。
  • believe it or not , i found this on my car .
    信じがたいかも知れないが 私の車でこれを見つけた
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a conveyance for passengers or freight on a cable railway; "they took a cable car to the top of the mountain"
    Synonyms: cable car,

  • a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"
    Synonyms: auto, automobile, machine, motorcar,

  • a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; "three cars had jumped the rails"
    Synonyms: railcar, railway car, railroad car,

  • where passengers ride up and down; "the car was on the top floor"
    Synonyms: elevator car,

  • the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant
    Synonyms: gondola,

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