tsushima ryo , this is the charge against you so far . 津島涼 君は このままでは 罪に問われるぞ。
he led the charge against the watershed bill . 法案に反対...
you've been leading the charge against government surveillance . あなたは政府監視に対する 告訴を先導してきた
he was the one leading the charge against the return to the church yesterday . 昨日教会への要求を 先導していたのは彼だった
in march of 1867 , the charge against him and ryoma sakamoto of fleeing tosa domain was dropped . 慶応3年(1867年)2月、同志坂本龍馬ともども土佐藩から脱藩罪を赦免される。
ieyasu will not make a false charge against the hojo clan or aim to acquire any territory of the hojo clan . 家康が北条親子の事を讒言せず、北条氏の領国を一切望まない
soga no emishi takes that opportunity and ousts fujiwara no kamatari by making a false charge against him . そのすきを狙った蘇我蝦夷は藤原鎌足に濡れ衣を着せて失脚させる。
he made a charge against fujwiara no yoshiko and her son , the imperial prince iyo , despite their innocence in 807 . 807年(大同2年)、藤原吉子・伊予親王母子を無実の罪に陥れた。
at that time , the emishi/ezo army was joined by about eight hundred additional soldiers to stage a counter charge against the imperial army . その時、蝦夷側に約800名の加勢が現れ反撃に転じた。