setotaisho is a japanese specter that is introduced in " hyakki tsurezure bukuro " (one hundred bags in idleness ) which is a collection of specters illustrations by sekien toriyama , and it is a type of tsukumo-gami (gods to a variety of things ) of chinaware . 瀬戸大将(せとたいしょう)は、鳥山石燕による妖怪画集『百器徒然袋』にある日本の妖怪で、陶磁器の付喪神(器物が変化した妖怪)の一種。
however the necessity for the trading vessels never faded because the development of money economy required a large quantity of copper coins in japan , where coins were not cast in those days , and because the demands for chinese products of culture including ceramic ware , pottery , and chinaware called ' karamono ' (things imported from china ) were still intense . しかし、当時銭貨を鋳造していなかった日本では貨幣経済の発達に伴い、大量の銅銭を必要とし、また「唐物」と呼ばれる陶磁器を初めとした中国の文物の需要も依然旺盛で、貿易船の必要性が減ずることはなかった。
it is not a specter that actually has a legend of some sort , but it is said to be depicted as a creation imaging guan yu , based on the analects of cao cao and guan yu who were the characters from " sanguo zhi " (history of the three kingdoms in china ), and there is also a theory that it was depicting a struggle for power between two types of ceramics , setomono and chinaware . 実際に何らかの伝承を伴う妖怪ではなく、『三国志』の登場人物である曹操と関羽の逸話をもとに、関羽をイメージした創作物として描かれたものといわれており、瀬戸物と陶磁器の2種の陶磁器の激しい勢力争いを描いたものとの説もある。
exported goods from japan were gold , silver , copper , mercury , sulfur , swords , fans , raden (shell inlay ) and makie (japanese lacquer sprinkled with gold or silver powder ) products and imported goods from yuan dynasty were copper coins , pottery and chinaware , tea , books , calligraphic works and paintings , buddhist scriptures , stationeries , medicinal materials , perfume materials , silks interwoven with gilt threads , baldachin , twill fabrics , and brocades . 日本からの輸出品には金、銀、銅、水銀、硫黄、刀剣、扇、螺鈿・蒔絵製品などがあり、元からの輸入品には銅銭、陶磁器、茶、書籍、書画、経典、文具、薬材、香料、金紗、金襴、綾、錦などだった。
dishware made of high quality porcelain Synonyms: china,