it is also referred to in classical japanese dance . 日本舞踊でもいう。
he was the head of bando-ryu school of classical japanese dance . 日本舞踊坂東流の家元。
mai (a formal , traditional japanese dance ), and classical japanese dance 舞、日本舞踊
the tayu would be equal to the accredited master or the grand master in classical japanese dance . 例えば、日本舞踊なら名取、師範になれるくらいである。
the number of kabuki buyo (kabuki dance ) and classical japanese dance accompanied by the song above . 上記を伴奏に舞う歌舞伎舞踊・日本舞踊の演目。
he was the son (1739-1794 ) of nasoro ichiyama the first of the ichiyama school of classical japanese dance . 舞踊市山流の初世市山七十郎の子、1739–94。
he was a son of nasoro ichiyama the first , a dancer of the ichiyama school of classical japanese dance in osaka . 大坂の日本舞踊・市山流の初世市山七十郎の子。
fuji musume is a song in a nagauta and a classical japanese dance derived from the otsu-e , ' katsugimusume .' 藤娘は、大津絵の「かつぎ娘」に題をとった長唄、日本舞踊の演目。
a nagauta (long epic song with shamisen accompaniment ) derived from otsu-e , and finally , also a number in classical japanese dance . 大津絵に題をとった長唄、日本舞踊の演目。
she was keen on japanese arts including koto (japanese harp ), shamisen (three-stringed japanese banjo ) and classical japanese dance in her girlhood . 幼少時は琴や三味線、日本舞踊など芸事に熱心であった。