closed out accounts 意味
- <→CLOSED-OUT accounts>
- closed closed 休み中 やすみちゅう クローズド
- out 1out n. 《米》 不和; 〔野球〕 アウト. 【形容詞 名詞+】 He's that rare exception: a pitcher
- accounts accounts 帳面面 ちょうめんづら
- closed-out accounts 閉鎖済み口座
- closed out method 手じまい
- accounts accounts 帳面面 ちょうめんづら
- will be closed out as soon as we have a full booking 満員になりしだい締め切ります
- closed closed 休み中 やすみちゅう クローズド
- closed to 《be ~》~は立ち入り禁止だ◆【同】off limits to, be The school grounds are closed to all unauthorized people. 学校の構内は関係者以外立ち入り禁止です。
- to be closed to be closed 閉まる しまる
- abandoned accounts (預金)不動口座
- accounts administration 勘定管理{かんじょう かんり}
- accounts and audit 会計{かいけい}と監査{かんさ}
- accounts book 会計帳簿{かいけい ちょうぼ}
- accounts clerk 記録係{きろくがかり}、簿記係{ぼきがかり}