contact 意味
発音記号:[ 'kɔntækt ] 読み方
動詞 過去形: contacted 動詞 過去分詞: contacted 名詞 複数形: contacts 動詞 現在分詞: contacting 動詞 三人称単数現在: contacts
- 1contact n. 接触, ふれあい, 交際, 連絡, つきあい; 縁故, 手づる, コネ; 交信; 有視界; コンタクトレンズ.【動詞+】
- We maintained (radio) contact with the stricken ship until all the passengers were rescued.
- The Chinese first made direct contact with the West about the beginning of the Han dynasty.
【形容詞 名詞+】- Overseas travel helps to establish firsthand contacts with places and peoples.
【前置詞+】- It will short out if the positive wire comes in contact with the negative.
- Radium is a silver-white metal, which tarnishes rapidly on contact with the atmosphere.
ラジウムは銀白色の金属で, 大気に触れるとただちに変色する
【+前置詞】- The US is expanding its contacts with China at all levels, both public and private.
【雑】- Do you have your contacts in?
2contact v. 接触させる.【副詞1】【+前置詞】- contact sb for further information
contact lens n. コンタクトレンズ.【動詞+】【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】【雑】- have one's contact lenses in
- We maintained (radio) contact with the stricken ship until all the passengers were rescued.
- a contact a contact a接点[電情]
- a-contact a-contact メーク接点[電情]
- by contact with ~を接着{せっちゃく}[接触{せっしょく}]させることによって
- in contact 《be ~》連絡{れんらく}を取る
- in contact with ~と接触{せっしょく}して、(人)と連絡{れんらく}を取り合って、(人)と時々会って、(人)と交際{こうさい}して
- on contact with ~に触れて、~に接触{せっしょく}することで、~を介して、~に触れた[接触{せっしょく}した]途端{とたん}に
- contact (general) or manual contact contact (general) or manual contact 接点(一般)又は手動接点[機械]〈00確F8011:船用電気図記号(動力関係)〉
- (electrical) contact (electrical) contact 接点 せってん
- abutting contact 接合接触子{せつごう せっしょく し}
- accidental contact accidental contact 偶発接触、接触不良
- acquired by contact with 《be ~》~に接触{せっしょく}することによって感染{かんせん}する
- adequate contact 適正接触{てきせい せっしょく}
- advance to contact 接敵前進{せってき ぜんしん}
- affective contact 情動的接触{じょうどう てき せっしょく}
- after contact with ~との接触{せっしょく}が終わった後に
- you're the only person we know of who's had any contact
あなたは我々が探している男と - trying to contact citizen e in , citizen z .
デルタxrayデルタ 聞こえますか?こちら市民z - contact pinkman . get him to drop the charges .
ピンクマンに連絡して 告発を止めてほしいの - do you know where we can get in contact with ms . akane ?
で 茜さんの連絡先は? - has ethan hunt contacted you ? why would he contact me ?
ハントから連絡はあったか? - i'll contact you if i find out something .
こちらのほうも何か分かり次第 ご連絡をさしあげますから - i'm in contact with some of my military sources .
軍のいくつかの情報筋と 連絡を取ってる - we need contact information for the firearms dealer .
銃の販売業者の連絡先が知りたいな - nikki was out of contact for 22 minutes .
それは分かってる だが、ニキーは 22分間、あそこに居た - contact the provider n please wash this man
- Noun
- close interaction; "they kept in daily contact"; "they claimed that they had been in contact with extraterrestrial beings"
- the act of touching physically; "her fingers came in contact with the light switch"
Synonyms: physical contact, - (electronics) a junction where things (as two electrical conductors) touch or are in physical contact; "they forget to solder the contacts"
Synonyms: tangency, - a thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct vision or to deliver medication
Synonyms: contact lens, - a channel for communication between groups; "he provided a liaison with the guerrillas"
Synonyms: liaison, link, inter-group communication, - a communicative interaction; "the pilot made contact with the base"; "he got in touch with his colleagues"
Synonyms: touch, - the physical coming together of two or more things; "contact with the pier scraped paint from the hull"
Synonyms: impinging, striking, - a person who is in a position to give you special assistance; "he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor"
Synonyms: middleman, - the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity; "litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid"
- be in or establish communication with; "Our advertisements reach millions"; "He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia"
Synonyms: reach, get through, get hold of, - be in direct physical contact with; make contact; "The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched"; "The wire must not contact the metal cover"; "The surfaces contact at this point"
Synonyms: touch, adjoin, meet,