conversion conversion n. 変化, 転換; 改造; 改宗, 転向; 兌換(だかん). 【動詞+】 carry out the conversion
conversion conversion n. 変化, 転換; 改造; 改宗, 転向; 兌換(だかん). 【動詞+】 carry out the conversion of Indian railroads to a standard gauge インドの鉄道(線路)を標準軌間に変更する carry out the conversion from file cabinet to compu
in december 1931 , conversion to gold was stopped . 1931年12月に金貨兌換停止となった。
in december 1931 , conversion to gold was stopped . 1931年12月に金貨兌換停止となった。
similarly , platform 12 has a structure that would allow conversion to an island-style platform . 12番線ホームは11番線と同様に島式ホームとすることが可能な形状である。
however , bakufu took a measure to allow only genrokukin at currency conversion to nishukin to encourage collection of keicho koban . しかし幕府は慶長小判回収を促進するため、二朱金への両替は元禄金に限るという策を講じた。
in the wake of conversion to a temple , bettoshoku (a chief administrator of a temple ) was created by combining the role of rusushiki and jujishoku (a resident head of a temple ). 寺院化に伴い留守職は、住持職を含めた別当職となる。
later in his life , it was recorded in " gyokuyo " that he accepted kanezane kujo ' s conversion to buddhism , and gave him the commandments for ten good seeds . 後年九条兼実の帰依を受けて十善戒を授けたことが『玉葉』に記録されている。
may 10 , 1988: construction works for conversion to a subway system completed , and land where former surface tracks existed was opened to the public as kawabata-dori street . 1988年(昭和63年)5月10日 - 地下化工事竣工、地上線跡に川端通り開通。
meanwhile decrease in forests , which are sources of absorption , caused by urbanization and/or conversion to agricultural lands and so on is converted and added on the amount of increase in the emissions . また、吸収源である森林が同年以降に都市化・農地化などで失われた分は排出量増加として算入される。
july , 1970: model 80 electric cars of 81- 93 were altered one by one in order to use them for two-car train operation (the conversion to two-car train operation was completed in january 1972 ). 1970年(昭和45年)7月 - 80形電車81~93を順次2両連結編成に改造(1972年1月までに2両固定編成化完了)。
he accepted anyone ' s conversion to buddhism regardless of their social standings , from hinin (those in the lowest rank of caste system ) and lepers to the retired emperors gosaga , kameyama , and gofukakusa . 非人・らい病者から後嵯峨上皇・亀山上皇・後深草上皇に至るまで貴賎を問わず帰依を受けた。