discerningly 意味
- discerning?ly
- discerning shopper 目の肥えた買い物客{かいものきゃく}
- discerning public 眼識{がんしき}のある大衆{たいしゅう}
- discernment discernment n. 認識; 識別(力). 【動詞+】 It is important to exercise discernment when choosing a lawyer. 弁護士を選ぶにあたっては識別力を発揮することが大切だ Many people thought that he lacked discernment in his choice of
- discerning mind 明敏な頭脳
- discernment is one of the tests of the educated mind 判断力は教育ある人の試金石の 1 つだ
- discerning man discerning man 具眼の士 ぐがんのし
- discerptible {形} : 分離できる
- discerning judgment 見識{けんしき}[洞察力{どうさつりょく}]ある判断{はんだん}
- discerption {名} : 〈古〉分離{ぶんり}(片)
- in fact , they need to be able to read discerningly .
その上 鋭い読解力が 求められます