disgustful 意味
発音記号:[ dis'gʌstfʊl ] 読み方
- {形} : 胸が悪くなる、むかつくような、むかむかする
- disgustedly {副} : 愛想をつかして、胸くそを悪くして
- disgusted with the damp heat 《be ~》蒸し暑さに懲りる
- disgustfully {副} : 胸が悪くなる[うんざりする]ほどに
- disgusted with oneself for 《be ~》~する自分{じぶん}がほとほと嫌になる
- disgusting disgusting adj. いやな. 【副詞】 a deeply disgusting crime ひどく嫌悪感を催させる犯罪 physically disgusting 肉体的に嫌悪感を与えるような a man with tremendously disgusting personal habits 実にいやな身のまわりの習癖の持ち主. 【
- disgusted with oneself 《be ~》我ながら情けない、自己嫌悪{じこ けんお}を感じる
- disgusting act 最低{さいてい}な[むかつく]行為{こうい}
- disgusted with life 《be ~》生きているのが嫌になる
- disgusting behavior 気持ちの悪い[嫌な]行動{こうどう}[態度{たいど}]
- Adjective
- highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust; "a disgusting smell"; "distasteful language"; "a loathsome disease"; "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"; "revolting food"; "a wicked stench"
Synonyms: disgusting, distasteful, foul, loathly, loathsome, repellent, repellant, repelling, revolting, skanky, wicked, yucky,