distinction 意味
- distinction n.
(1) 抜群, 優秀; 高貴, 高名; 栄誉, 殊勲; 特徴.【動詞+】- He carried the distinction of having once won the US heavyweight boxing championship.
- She enjoyed the unique distinction of being the first woman flyer in Japan.
- In 1879 he was granted the distinction of being the chief editor of the greatest English dictionary. 1879
年, 最大の英語辞書の編集主幹になる名誉を与えられた
- Yuri Gagarin has the distinction of being the first man in space.
ユーリ ガガーリンは世界最初の宇宙飛行士であるという栄誉をになっている
- The novel owes its distinction to the great inventiveness of its plot.
- The scandal greatly reduced the distinction he had won as an able politician.
- Babylonia shares with Egypt the distinction of being one of the two chief sources of civilization.
バビロニアはエジプトとともに文明の 2 大源泉の 1 つであるという栄誉をになっている
- His unusual ability in English fully warranted his distinction as one of the most competent simultaneous interpreters in Japan.
彼のすぐれた英語の能力から見て, 日本におけるもっとも有能な同時通訳の 1 人としての名声を得たのも当然だった
- He did his best not to yield to anyone the distinction of being the world chess champion.
【+動詞】- The distinction owes more to his position than to his personal qualities.
【形容詞 名詞+】- The Nobel Prize is considered to be the highest academic distinction in the world.
【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- Lady Parkes achieved the distinction of being the first woman actually to climb the top of Mt. Fuji.
(2) 区別, 識別; 差別, 分け隔て; 差異, 違い; (他と異なる)特性.【動詞+】【形容詞 名詞+】- The chief distinction of recent French literature is its questioning of the roles of author and narrator.
- Dress distinctions no longer signify class distinctions.
服装の区別はもはや階級の区別を意味しない, 服装が違うからといってそれが階級の違いとはならない
- maintain a rigid distinction between white-collar and blue-collar employees
- True, Japan is a unique country in many ways, but one should not make unreal distinctions between it and the rest of the world.
確かに日本は多くの点でユニークな国だが, 日本とそれ以外の国々との間にありもしない区別立てをすべきではない
- You cannot, at a glance, find any visible distinction between newts and lizards.
【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- distinctions about what foods are good for you and what are not
どういう食物があなたのためになり, どういうものがためにならないかについての区別
- a distinction without a difference
差異のない区別, 無用の区別立て.
- He carried the distinction of having once won the US heavyweight boxing championship.
- in distinction to ~と区別して、~と対照的に
- with distinction 殊勲[手柄]を立てて
- with no distinction 区別{くべつ}[差別{さべつ}]せずに[しないで]
- academic distinction 学問的{がくもんてき}な優秀{ゆうしゅう}さ
- achieve distinction 群を抜いて優れている、名を上げる、抜きん出る
- achieve the distinction of ~という栄誉{えいよ}を得る
- add distinction to ~をいっそう有名{ゆうめい}にする
- arbitrary distinction 気まぐれ区別立て
- artistic distinction 芸術家{げいじゅつか}としての名声{めいせい}
- attain distinction 世に現れる
- award a distinction to (人)に勲章{くんしょう}を授与{じゅよ}する
- broad distinction はっきりとした違い、明白{めいはく}な差異{さい}、明らかな差異{さい}、明らかな違い
- class distinction 階級意識{かいきゅう いしき}、階級区分{かいきゅう くぶん}の規準{きじゅん}、階級差
- clear distinction 明らかな区別{くべつ}
- color distinction 色合いの違い
- it's a distinction that adds an expectation of quality .
だから良い肉と 思えてしまう - what aristotle defined as the distinction
アリストテレスが実体と 外見の違いとして定義した ― - but the distinction between what is a technology
技術 ―典型的には道具などです― と - i doubt the cia would appreciate the distinction .
ciaが認識しているのではと 疑っています - i doubt the cia would appreciate the distinction .
CIAが認識しているのではと 疑っています - the distinction means a good deal to some people .
一部の者にとって区別は都合がいい - but it's an important distinction , because i don't believe
重要な違いです 必要なのは - von mises completely rejected this distinction .
von misesはこの区別を完全に否定しています - von mises completely rejected this distinction .
Von Misesはこの区別を完全に否定しています - you see , the distinction between reality and illusion
- Noun
- a distinguishing difference; "he learned the distinction between gold and lead"
- a distinguishing quality; "it has the distinction of being the cheapest restaurant in town"
- a discrimination between things as different and distinct; "it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation"
Synonyms: differentiation, - high status importance owing to marked superiority; "a scholar of great eminence"
Synonyms: eminence, preeminence, note,