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distinction 意味

発音記号:[ dis'tiŋkʃən ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: distinctions   



  • it's a distinction that adds an expectation of quality .
    だから良い肉と 思えてしまう
  • what aristotle defined as the distinction
    アリストテレスが実体と 外見の違いとして定義した ―
  • but the distinction between what is a technology
    技術 ―典型的には道具などです― と
  • i doubt the cia would appreciate the distinction .
    ciaが認識しているのではと 疑っています
  • i doubt the cia would appreciate the distinction .
    CIAが認識しているのではと 疑っています
  • the distinction means a good deal to some people .
  • but it's an important distinction , because i don't believe
    重要な違いです 必要なのは
  • von mises completely rejected this distinction .
    von misesはこの区別を完全に否定しています
  • von mises completely rejected this distinction .
    Von Misesはこの区別を完全に否定しています
  • you see , the distinction between reality and illusion
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a distinguishing difference; "he learned the distinction between gold and lead"

  • a distinguishing quality; "it has the distinction of being the cheapest restaurant in town"

  • a discrimination between things as different and distinct; "it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation"
    Synonyms: differentiation,

  • high status importance owing to marked superiority; "a scholar of great eminence"
    Synonyms: eminence, preeminence, note,

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