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drawing 意味

発音記号:[ 'drɔ:iŋ ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: drawings   


  • drawing in    回収{かいしゅう}
  • drawing-in    drawing-in 引通し[化学]
  • in a drawing    抽選で 100 winners selected in a drawing will receive wonderful prizes. 抽選で100名様にすてきなプレゼントを差し上げます。
  • in drawing    正確{せいかく}に描かれて◆【対】out of drawing Lincoln is in drawing in this nonfiction work. このノンフィクション作品では、リンカーンが正確に描かれている。
  • on the drawing    計画の段階で
  • (a) line drawing    (a) line drawing 線描 せんびょう
  • 3d drawing    三次元{さんじげん}の製図{せいず}
  • a freehand drawing    a freehand drawing 自在画 じざいが
  • a projection drawing    a projection drawing 投影図 とうえいず
  • accompanying drawing    添付図面{てんぷ ずめん}
  • administration of drawing    administration of drawing 図面管理
  • advanced drawing    《コ》拡張描画{かくちょう びょうが}
  • air drawing    air drawing 空気吸込[機械]
  • anatomical drawing    解剖図{かいぼう ず}
  • anisometric drawing    anisometric drawing 不等角図[その他]


  • to finding phosphorus and drawing it from the soil .
  • rinchan's the best at drawing in b class !
    あのね あのね!りんちゃん b組で一番絵が上手なんだよ
  • there's been a change in the drawing for the valve .
    バルブの設計が 変更になりましてね
  • but perhaps we should be drawing down , to be safe .
    ですが、何らかの措置を すべきです
  • picture 7: ' samurai ,' an original drawing
    画像-7 :「武家」 肉筆画。
  • and they went back to the drawing board , and they retooled
  • then i would thank them for drawing my attention
  • what you see in this top drawing is a schematic
    この図は 米国経済において原油がどのように
  • like that little girl's drawing that i showed you .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling
    Synonyms: draft, draught,

  • act of getting or draining something such as electricity or a liquid from a source; "the drawing of water from the well"
    Synonyms: drawing off,

  • players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots
    Synonyms: lottery,

  • the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams; "he learned drawing from his father"
    Synonyms: draftsmanship, drafting,

  • a representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines; "drawings of abstract forms"; "he did complicated pen-and-ink drawings like medieval miniatures"

  • an illustration that is drawn by hand and published in a book, magazine, or newspaper; "it is shown by the drawing in Fig. 7"

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