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enter the priesthood 意味

"enter the priesthood"の例文


  • 出家{しゅっけ}する、仏道{ぶつどう}に帰依{きえ}する、僧籍に入る、頭を丸める
  • enter     enter v. 入る, 〔法律〕 不法侵入する; 加入する, 参加する; 開始する; 入れる, 加入させる; 記入する; 差しこむ; 〔法律〕
  • priesthood     priesthood n. 聖職. 【動詞+】 enter the priesthood 聖職に入る leave the
  • priesthood     priesthood n. 聖職. 【動詞+】 enter the priesthood 聖職に入る leave the priesthood 還俗(げんぞく)する. 【前置詞+】 study for the priesthood 聖職につくために勉強する He was educated for the priesthood. 聖職の教
  • (buddhist) priesthood    (Buddhist) priesthood 僧職 そうしょく 僧籍 そうせき
  • admitted to the priesthood    《be ~》聖職に就く
  • aspire to the priesthood    聖職{せいしょく}を目指す{めざす}
  • buddhist priesthood    仏門{ぶつもん}
  • entering the priesthood    entering the priesthood 入道 にゅうどう 出家 しゅっけ
  • leave the priesthood    還俗{げんぞく}する
  • ordained in priesthood    {1} : 《be ordained to [in] (the) priesthood》(牧師などに)叙任される、任命される -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《be ordained to [in] (the) priesthood》《カトリック》(司祭
  • ordained to priesthood    {1} : 《be ordained to [in] (the) priesthood》(牧師などに)叙任される、任命される -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《be ordained to [in] (the) priesthood》《カトリック》(司祭
  • study for the priesthood    {名} : 聖職{せいしょく}に就くための勉強{べんきょう} During his study for the priesthood, he became interested in music. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {動} : 聖職{せいしょく}に就く
  • enter     enter v. 入る, 〔法律〕 不法侵入する; 加入する, 参加する; 開始する; 入れる, 加入させる; 記入する; 差しこむ; 〔法律〕 (訴訟などを)提起する. 【副詞1】 He abruptly entered on another topic. 突然別な話題に入った the power of entering absolutely into the fee
  • enter by    ~を通ってはいる
  • enter for    ~に参加を申し込む


  • in february 861 , she made rakushoku (to take the tonsure and enter the priesthood .)
    貞観 3年(861年) 2月落飾。
  • the following year , at the age of twenty-one , he climbed mt . koya to enter the priesthood .
  • he said he would resign from the post of kanrei to enter the priesthood but was prevented from doing so by yoshimitsu .
  • consequently , he was forced to enter the priesthood and retire (the maki incident ) on the twentieth of the leap month of july .
  • in 1124 , he became ill , which made him decide to enter the priesthood on august 25 , under the posthumous buddhist name of renkaku .
  • yoshitsugu was moved from ninna-ji temple and confined in shokoku-ji temple , and on october 20 (old calendar ) was forced to enter the priesthood .
  • 16 . as a matter of course , nobumori and nobuhide should enter the priesthood and seclude themselves in mt . koya to beg perpetually for forgiveness .
  • lay priests who observed the religious precepts were encouraged to enter the priesthood so that they could be integrated into the established order .
  • michikane , however , left the temple saying that ' i would like to let my father see me for the last time before i enter the priesthood .'
  • she served the retired empress koken and followed her imperial highness ' step to enter the priesthood in 762 and called herself ' hokin .'
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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