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goddess of autumn 意味

"goddess of autumn"の例文


  • goddess of autumn
  • goddess     goddess 女神 めがみ じょしん
  • autumn     autumn n. 秋; 初老期. 【動詞+】 We have had a very wet autumn this year.
  • goddess    goddess 女神 めがみ じょしん
  • autumn     autumn n. 秋; 初老期. 【動詞+】 We have had a very wet autumn this year. 今年の秋は雨が多かった I have reached the autumn of my life. 初老期にさしかかった. 【+動詞】 Autumn is approaching. 秋が近づいている Autumn
  • in autumn    秋に
  • (buddhist) goddess    (Buddhist) goddess 吉祥天 きちじょうてん きっしょうてん
  • bitch goddess    成功{せいこう}、出世{しゅっせ}
  • brown goddess    〈俗〉研究社の新英和大辞典◆【直訳】茶色の女神◆【参考】Green Goddess◆【語源】表紙(cover)が茶色(brown)であるところから。
  • goddess lakshmi    女神{めがみ}ラクシュミ◆インドの女神
  • goddess of corn    五穀{ごこく}の女神
  • goddess of fertility    豊穣{ほうじょう}の女神{めがみ}
  • goddess of heaven    天の女神
  • goddess of hell    地獄{じごく}の女神{めがみ}
  • goddess of justice    正義{せいぎ}の女神{めがみ}


  • akibime no kami - goddess of autumn
    秋毘売神(あきびめ) - 秋の女神
  • since west represented autumn in gogyo-setsu (the theory of five elements ) and mt . tatsuta to the west of heijo-kyo (the ancient capital of japan in current nara ) was famous for beautiful colored autumnal leaves , the beauty of the mountain led people to believe that a goddess of autumn lived there .
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