hasty in one's judgment 意味
- 《be ~》結論{けつろん}を急いでいる
- hasty hasty adj. 急の, あわただしい; 早まった. 【副詞】 His judgement was inexcusably hasty.
- judgment judgment, judgement n. (1) 判断, 判断力, 見識. 【動詞+】 acquire a good judgment
- in one's judgment 自分{じぶん}の判断[考え]では
- avoid hasty judgment 早合点{はやがてん}を避ける
- make a hasty judgment 急いで判断を下す
- pass hasty judgment on others 他人{たにん}を軽率{けいそつ}に判断{はんだん}する
- in one's judgment 自分{じぶん}の判断[考え]では
- hasty hasty adj. 急の, あわただしい; 早まった. 【副詞】 His judgement was inexcusably hasty. 彼の判断が早計であったことは弁解の余地がない Your reaction is somewhat hasty. あなたの反応はややせっかちすぎる You have arrived at too hasty a con
- hasty with 《be ~》~に対してすぐ腹を立てる
- to be hasty to be hasty 早まる はやまる
- act on one's own judgment 自分一個の了見で行動する
- against one's better judgment 良くないとは思いながら、心ならずも、不本意ながら Against my better judgment, I drank too much last night. 昨夜は飲み過ぎてしまった It's against my better judgment, but 不本意ながら
- against one's better judgment but 良くないとは思いながら、心ならずも、不本意ながら Against my better judgment, I drank too much last night. 昨夜は飲み過ぎてしまった It's against my better judgment, but 不本意ながら