have 意味
- 1have n. 財産のある人; 持てる国.【雑】
- the haves and (the) have-nots
有産者と無産者; 持てる国と持たざる国.
2have v. もつ; 食べる; 求める.【副詞1】- Because her husband ran away with another woman, she wouldn't have him back even if he were the last man on earth.
夫は別の女性と駆け落ちしたので, 地球上で彼しか男がいなくなったとしても彼女は彼を迎え入れるつもりはない
【副詞2】- Please visit us another day. We've had the builders in for the extension work.
【+前置詞】- He had the sun at his back, which gave him a decided advantage over the enemy.
- Because my parents could not afford to send me to school, I had the encyclopedia for my teacher.
両親には私を学校にやる余裕がなかったので, 私は百科事典を教師代わりに利用した
- You must always have a pen and notebook near you to write down what enters your mind.
いつもペンとノートを近くに置き, 心に浮かぶことを書き留めなくてはならない
- Hearing the fire alarm, the teachers had the pupils out of the buildings in three minutes.
火災報知器の音を聞き, 教師たちは 3 分で生徒を校舎から出した
【+to do】【+doing】【+補】【雑】- I called the ambulance at once and had my sick mother carried to the hospital.
Have your homework finished before supper. 夕食前に宿題を終わらせてしまいなさい 《完了を表わし 《米口語》 に多い》
I have it made. I'm going to go on a hike with such a beautiful girl. 《口語》 しめしめ, あんな美人とハイキングに行ける
I had him write the letter for me. 彼に手紙の代筆をしてもらった
I would have you know that I didn't do it on purpose. わざとそれをしたのではないということをあなたには知ってもらいたい
Everything was ready and we didn't want to have an unexpected accident upset our plans. 準備万端整ったから不測の事故が起こって私たちの計画をおじゃんにしてもらいたくなかった
I had the ambulance carry my sick mother to the hospital. 救急車に病気の母を病院へ運んでもらった
The airline company arranged to have ambulances carry the bodies of victims to the nearby public hall. 航空会社は救急車に犠牲者の遺体を近くの公民館へ運んでもらうよう手配した
I have had enough. もう十分です 《食事や親切など》
Have it your own way. (この上議論はしない)勝手にしなさい
If you're caught again, you'll have it. 《口語》 今度つかまったらおしまいだ
You've had it! 《口語》 期待してもむだだ, もうこれまでだ
I've had it. I have to study five hours to prepare for each class. 《口語》 1 つの授業の予習に 5 時間かかるんだ, もうネをあげたよ
I'm afraid the washing machine has really had it. 《口語》 その洗濯機はもう使いものにならないと思います
His heart wasn't beating. He must have had it. 《口語》 彼の心臓は鼓動していなかった, もうだめだったに違いない
She is a little stuck-up. Let her have it. 《口語》 彼女は少し増長しているからやっつけてやれ
There is no choice except to marry the older girl; you can't have it both ways. 《口語》 年上のほうの女の子と結婚するしかない, 両天びんというわけにはいかない
With a large salary and little work to do, she has it easy. 給料は多く, する仕事もほとんどなくて楽に生活している
She's never had it so good. 《口語》 こんなに恵まれたことはなかった
He tried to explain his situation, but she would not have it. 《口語》 自分の立場を説明しようとしたが彼女はどうしてもそれを受けつけなかった 《説明を聞こうとしなかった》
I have it! 《口語》 わかったぞ, そうだ
The ayes have it. 《口語》 賛成者多数だ
as luck would have it 運よく
Fortune had it that he became a billionaire in his youth. 運よく彼は若くして億万長者になった
Rumor has it that he stole the money. 彼がその金を盗んだといううわさだ
As Socrates has it…. ソクラテスの言うように…
She is an interfering woman. I am not having any. 《口語》 彼女はおせっかいだ, かかりあうのはごめんだ
He has what it takes to succeed in the business world. 彼には実業界で出世する素質がある
I have had his lecture. 《口語》 彼の講義にはうんざりだ
Let him have his say. 彼にも言いたいことを言わせなさい
The matter had better be left as it is. その件はそのままにしておいたほうがよい.
Hadn't we better tell him, too? 彼にも話したほうがよくないかしら
We had better go now, hadn't we? もう行ったほうがいいね
In the interest of society they had better not have been born. 《文語》 社会のためから言うとあの人たちは生まれてこなかったほうがよかった 《had better に完了不定詞を用いることを嫌う人もいる》
You had best ask him. 彼に尋ねるのがいちばんよい
I had as soon do…. …するほうが好きだ
I had rather eat than play. 遊ぶより食べるほうがよい. - the haves and (the) have-nots
- have a will 遺書{いしょ}を書く
- have at {句動} : ~に勢いよくとりかかる
- have at it Háve at it! ((略式))さあ食べなさい,さあ始めなさい.
- have in hàve ín [他]《◆受身不可》 (1) 〈客〉を家に招く;(仕事のために)〈大工?医者など〉を家に呼ぶ ~ some friends in for tea お茶に友だちを数人招く. (2) [~ O in]〈物〉を家に貯蔵しておく《◆進行形不可》 ~ enough coal in for winter 冬に備えて石炭を十分ため込んでおく. (3) [~ O in]〈物〉を中へ入れる
- have it {1} : (人が~だと)言っている、(~だと)主張{しゅちょう}する◆通例、that 節を伴う。 Rumor has it that you got engaged. あなたが婚約したとうわさになっている。 Rumors have it that he is a millionaire. うわさでは彼は百万長者らしい。 ------------------------------------
- have it for ~を愛する、うぬぼれる All male students in this class have it for their history teacher. 全員の男子学生は、歴史の先生に恋をしている。
- have it in (秘めた?思いがけない)能力{のうりょく}[才能{さいのう}]がある She really has it in her to manage her office. 彼女は本当に事務所経営の素質がある。
- have it in for ~に恨みを抱く、難癖{なんくせ}をつける Bob thinks his neighbors have it in for him because he is a foreigner. ボブは、自分が外国人なので隣人が難癖を付けていると思っている。
- have it on より優れている
- have it that (that 以下)と主張する、(that 以下)と
- have it with ~に別れを告げる
- have not {名} :
- have on have on 着用 ちゃくよう
- have the will to ~するという意志{いし}がある
- have to {1} : (自分{じぶん}の意志{いし}により)~しなければならないと感じる、~する必要{ひつよう}がある、~すべきである I have to study hard to pass the examination. 試験に受かるために、一生懸命勉強しなければならない。 I have to go now. そろそろ行かなくちゃ。/ではこれで。/失礼します。◆いとまごいするとき。 I'm sor
- i'm gonna have to put her name out on an apb .
apbで彼女の名前を 出さなければいけないかも - i must have unplugged the ventilator somehow .
掃除中だったんで 装置の電源を抜いてしまった - and have the professor answer their questions .
自分たちの問に対し 教授から解答を得られます - with time , the bruises have healed , but your pain has not .
君の神経を貫いた - so you have time to assimilate what you've learned .
学んだことが心に浸み込むようにです - she does have a pretty face , but ...
違うんだよ。 確かに 顔は すごくかわいいんだけど... あっ! - speaking of , do you have banana blueberry today ?
バナナ・ブルーベリーは今日はあるか? - he have his trouble but he pull himself together .
問題は抱えてるけど いいとこもあるのよ - oh , god , how could i have let this happen ?
神よ! どうしてこんなことになってしまったの? - doctors say she can't even have children no more .
医者は もう子供を 産めないだろうと
- Noun
- a person who possesses great material wealth
Synonyms: rich person, wealthy person, Verb - cause to be born; "My wife had twins yesterday!"
Synonyms: give birth, deliver, bear, birth, - suffer from; be ill with; "She has arthritis"
- undergo (as of injuries and illnesses); "She suffered a fracture in the accident"; "He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars"; "She got a bruise on her leg"; "He got his arm broken in the scuffle"
Synonyms: suffer, sustain, get, - cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition; "He got his squad on the ball"; "This let me in for a big surprise"; "He got a girl into trouble"
Synonyms: get, let, - undergo; "The stocks had a fast run-up"
Synonyms: experience, - cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa"
Synonyms: induce, stimulate, cause, get, make, - serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don''t take sugar in my coffee"
Synonyms: consume, ingest, take in, take, - have sex with; archaic use; "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable"
Synonyms: take, - organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course"
Synonyms: hold, throw, make, give, - go through (mental or physical states or experiences); "get an idea"; "experience vertigo"; "get nauseous"; "receive injuries"; "have a feeling"
Synonyms: experience, receive, get, - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master''s degree from Harvard"
Synonyms: have got, hold, - have ownership or possession of; "He owns three houses in Florida"; "How many cars does she have?"
Synonyms: own, possess, - have left; "I have two years left"; "I don''t have any money left"; "They have two more years before they retire"
- get something; come into possession of; "receive payment"; "receive a gift"; "receive letters from the front"
Synonyms: receive, - receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the miller''s daughter"; "I won''t have this dog in my house!"; "Please accept my present"
Synonyms: accept, take, - achieve a point or goal; "Nicklaus had a 70"; "The Brazilian team got 4 goals"; "She made 29 points that day"
Synonyms: get, make, - have a personal or business relationship with someone; "have a postdoc"; "have an assistant"; "have a lover"
- have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
Synonyms: feature, - be confronted with; "What do we have here?"; "Now we have a fine mess"