herb 意味
herb n. 薬用植物.
【形容詞 名詞+】
a Chinese herb doctor 中国の漢方医.
what do you want from me ? you know how it works , herb . どうやるか知ってるのか? what do you want from me ? you know how it works , herb . どうやるか知ってるのか? herb roasted chicken with porcini mushroom stuffing . ローストチキン ポルチーニ詰めよ herb stanton , department of homeland security . 国土安全保障部に電話して 様子を見よう herb stanton , department of homeland security . 国土安全保障部の ハーブ・スタントンだ and we turned it into a really lovely herb garden . 美しいハーブガーデンに変えました It's , like , you know , herbie the apple ii . これはApple IIのHerb ieです herb stanton , department of homeland security . ハーブ・スタントン 国土安全保障省だ It's , like , you know , herbie the apple ii . これはapple iiのherb ieです it kinda tastes like ... herb and butter dogshit . この味は... ハーブ、バター、犬の糞風味
Noun aromatic potherb used in cookery for its savory qualities a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests Synonyms: herbaceous plant ,