we hold a memorial service for them with their doll . [tv]その人の人形を作って 仏壇に置くの
we were going to hold a memorial service for nanako and reminisce over her . 「奈々子の思い出話でもして 弔おうという事になったんだ」
then she visited zenko-ji temple in shinshu to hold a memorial service for her deceased husband . その後亡夫の供養のため信州の善光寺に参る。
hari (needle )-kuyo is an event to hold a memorial service for broken sewing needles and offer them to a shrine nearby . 針供養(はりくよう)は、折れた縫い針を供養し、近くの神社に収める行事。
i know it isn't possible to have a funeral until the police finish their investigation , but we could hold a memorial service for danny's life . 警察の捜査が終わるまで お葬式ができないのは知ってますが ダニーの追悼会を開くことはできます
then i read the sutra and talked about what i had to go through , also mentioning that i prayed to hold a memorial service for the deceased former emperor . それで、わたしは経を読み、先帝の菩提を弔っているのです」とこれまでのことを物語した。
because of this , the temple started to be known as a doll temple , and the temple also started to hold a memorial service for dolls from the general public . そのため人形の寺として知られるようになり、一般からも供養として人形が納められるようになった。
a doll mound was built in the temple to hold a memorial service for dolls and to promote kyo dolls , and the statue of a japanese doll and a poem written by saneatsu mushanokoji were carved . 境内には人形の供養と京人形の振興を目的として人形塚が建てられており、御所人形像と武者小路実篤の歌が刻まれている。
he moved to koraibashi at the age of 46 in 1869 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of chikuden ' s death at namba zuiryu-ji temple and devote himself to hold a memorial service for his mentorr . 万延元年(1860年)、46歳のとき高麗橋に移り、竹田25回忌を難波瑞龍寺にて執り行い師の供養に努めた。
the woman implies that she is the spirit of murasaki shikibu and says , ' i did not hold a memorial service for that genji and could not become a soul of the deceased , resting in peace . 女は自分が紫式部の霊であることを匂わせ、「かの源氏につひに供養をせざりし科(とが)により 成仏できないでいる。どうか弔ってほしい。」と述べる。