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hold a memorial service 意味

"hold a memorial service"の例文


  • 追悼式を行う、回向する、供養する、弔う
  • hold     1hold n. (手で)もつこと; 把握; 支配力; 延期. 【動詞+】 announce a hold on all takeoffs
  • memorial     memorial n. 記念物, 記念碑. 【動詞+】 build a memorial 記念碑を建てる a memorial
  • service     1service n. (1) 尽くすこと, 役立つこと, 奉仕, 尽力; 功績, 勲功; 部門; 軍務, 兵役; 軍部; 客扱い, サービス; 点検;
  • a memorial     a memorial 建白書 けんぱくしょ
  • memorial service     memorial service 慰霊祭 いれいさい 弔祭 ちょうさい
  • a memorial service     追悼式
  • hold a memorial service for    ~の追悼式を行う、~を回向する、~を供養する、~を弔う
  • hold a memorial service for the deceased    故人{こじん}を弔う
  • to hold a memorial service for    to hold a memorial service for 弔う とぶらう とむらう
  • at a memorial service    追悼式で
  • memorial service    memorial service 慰霊祭 いれいさい 弔祭 ちょうさい
  • hold memorial services    追善供養を営む
  • (buddhist) memorial service    (Buddhist) memorial service 追善供養 ついぜんくよう 追福 ついふく
  • attend a memorial service    告別式{こくべつしき}[追悼式{ついとう しき}?慰霊祭{いれいさい}]に出る[参加{さんか}する]
  • buddhist memorial service    Buddhist memorial service 仏事 ぶつじ 法要 ほうよう 仏会 ぶつえ 廻向 かいこう 法事 ほうじ 回向 えこう


  • to hold a memorial service to the saints of jippo sanze .
  • we hold a memorial service for them with their doll .
    [tv]その人の人形を作って 仏壇に置くの
  • homon of kuyo (to hold a memorial service ) chapter of kokuko bosatsu
    供養の法門 虚空庫菩薩の章
  • we'll have to hold a memorial service .
  • we were going to hold a memorial service for nanako and reminisce over her .
    「奈々子の思い出話でもして 弔おうという事になったんだ」
  • it's our tradition to hold a memorial service with a doll of the dead person .
    ウチはさ 昔から誰か亡くなると この人形作って供養すんだ
  • then she visited zenko-ji temple in shinshu to hold a memorial service for her deceased husband .
  • after welcoming the spirits into the home , people hold a memorial service and have a priest come and read the sutras .
  • hari (needle )-kuyo is an event to hold a memorial service for broken sewing needles and offer them to a shrine nearby .
  • since she cannot be restored to life he will hold a memorial service , offering up the kinuta pounded by his wife just before her death .'
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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