to hold a memorial service to the saints of jippo sanze . 十方三世の佛に供養したてまつる
we hold a memorial service for them with their doll . [tv]その人の人形を作って 仏壇に置くの
homon of kuyo (to hold a memorial service ) chapter of kokuko bosatsu 供養の法門 虚空庫菩薩の章
we'll have to hold a memorial service . 追悼会もしないとな
we were going to hold a memorial service for nanako and reminisce over her . 「奈々子の思い出話でもして 弔おうという事になったんだ」
it's our tradition to hold a memorial service with a doll of the dead person . ウチはさ 昔から誰か亡くなると この人形作って供養すんだ
then she visited zenko-ji temple in shinshu to hold a memorial service for her deceased husband . その後亡夫の供養のため信州の善光寺に参る。
after welcoming the spirits into the home , people hold a memorial service and have a priest come and read the sutras . 故人を家に迎えたあと、僧を招いて読経し、供養する。
hari (needle )-kuyo is an event to hold a memorial service for broken sewing needles and offer them to a shrine nearby . 針供養(はりくよう)は、折れた縫い針を供養し、近くの神社に収める行事。
since she cannot be restored to life he will hold a memorial service , offering up the kinuta pounded by his wife just before her death .' 「が、返らぬことなので、奥様がいまわの際までうっていた砧をたむけられ、お弔いなさる。」