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in disaster 意味

"in disaster"の例文


  • 惨憺{さんたん}たる結果{けっか}となる
  • disaster     disaster n. 災難, 災禍, 惨事; 《口語》 大失敗. 【動詞+】 narrowly avert a disaster
  • disaster     disaster n. 災難, 災禍, 惨事; 《口語》 大失敗. 【動詞+】 narrowly avert a disaster かろうじて災難を避ける. The hurricane brought disaster in its wake. そのハリケーンはそれが通った跡に災害をもたらした The candidate's racial slur bro
  • disaster for    《be a ~》~に惨禍{さんか}をもたらす
  • endure disaster after disaster    打ち続く災難{さいなん}に耐える[をこらえる]
  • absolute disaster    全くの大失敗{だい しっぱい}
  • accident and disaster    事故{じこ}と災害{さいがい}
  • add to the disaster    災害を大きくする
  • agricultural disaster    農業災害{のうぎょう さいがい}
  • air disaster    航空惨事{こうくう さんじ}、航空機事故{こうくうき じこ}
  • airplane disaster    航空機事故{こうくうき じこ}
  • airport disaster    空港災害{くうこう さいがい}
  • appalling disaster    ゾッとするような災難{さいなん}
  • approaching disaster    迫り来る災禍{さいか}
  • at the outbreak of a disaster    災害勃発時{さいがい ぼっぱつ じ}に
  • avert the disaster    大惨事{だいさんじ}を避ける


  • so that is why i started working in disaster areas .
    こんな理由から あちこちの被災地で 働くようになりました
  • is in disaster relief .
  • it is said that the reason was to make people to have interest in disaster caused by heavy rainfall .
  • while the emperor had already received the members of self defense forces dispatched for the united nations ' peacekeeping operations and those engaged in disaster relief works , it was unprecedented that the emperor received the members of self defense forces dispatched to a battlefield .
  • in nehan-gyo sutra (the sutra of the great nirvana ), it says , " suffering shio (death in disaster ) unfairly (横しまに ), one receives keiho (light punishment of this world for one ' s bad karma of the past world ) such as kashaku (repentance ), meniku (condemnation and insult ), benjo (whip and baton ), kiga (hunger ) and inku (quarrel and trouble ), and does not fall into hell ," and so on ...'
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