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in the bloodstream 意味

"in the bloodstream"の例文


  • 血流中{けつりゅう ちゅう}に


  • the serum is still present in the bloodstream .
    血液内に まだ血清があるぞ
  • the serum remains in the bloodstream longer than anticipated .
    フェーズ2 血清は予想より長期間残留
  • well , because it wasn't in the bloodstream .
  • the longer they're in the bloodstream , the more sensitive they become ...
    血中に長くいるほど より敏感になる
  • tends to stay in the bloodstream .
  • then float in the bloodstream
  • it's amazing what a little air in the bloodstream does to the human heart .
    血液の中の 少しの空気が 心臓にどう 影響及ぼすか
  • it's the most deadly natural neurotoxin on the planet , and it's impossible to trace in the bloodstream .
    最強の天然神経毒で 検出も不可能
  • the escalator is infested with nanites , and the longer they're in the bloodstream , the more sensitive they become .
    エスカレーターに ナナイトが 血中に長くいるほど 敏感に
  • the longer they're in the bloodstream , the more sensitive they become so that the slightest exertion can trigger the overload .
    血中に長くいるほど より敏感になる わずかな動きでも 引き金に
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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