exchange cards (名刺を)やりとりする、名刺を交換する Exchanging business cards is an important part of doing business in Japan. 名刺{めいし}の交換{こうかん}は日本{にほん}でビジネスをする際に重要{じゅうよう}な役割{やくわり}を果たす。
so i didn't think this was in the cards for me こんなことが起こるなんて 思っていませんでした
but it's not in the cards , and because of it , he's alive . 奴は家族ために生き返る
but ... children ain't in the cards for you . だが・・ お前は子供を持てない
but , well , i'm seeing that that's not really in the cards for us . もう"子育て"と言うには 遅すぎる
didn't see that in the cards , did you ? これは読めなかったのか?
killing me ain't in the cards . 殺しに来るとな
to remove irregularity in the cards hence stopping the hindu shuffle . 不規則な並びになってしまう ヒンズーシャッフルを やめさせるため。
not in the cards . それは不可能だ
it's not my dream job , but it's steady , and , you know , princeton wasn't exactly in the cards . 理想的な仕事じゃないが 安定してる それにプリンストンは無理だ
islamabad's persistent attachment to violent extremist groups and the fact that pakistan may lurch into greater internal instability thus threatening the security of its nuclear arsenal all means that an easy alliance between our two countries is not in the cards anytime soon . 極端に暴力的な集団に イスラマバードの持続的な愛着 さらにパキスタンは 国内の不安定性に