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in the early showa era 意味

"in the early showa era"の例文


  • 昭和{しょうわ}の初めに
  • early     early adj., adv. 早い; 早く, 初期に. 【副詞】 I was a few minutes early. 数分間早かった
  • era     era n. 時代; 紀元; 〔地質〕 代. 【動詞+】 The invention of the automobile brought in a
  • showa era     Showa era 昭和年間 しょうわねんかん
  • in the showa era    昭和時代に
  • showa era    Showa era 昭和年間 しょうわねんかん
  • early in showa    昭和{しょうわ}の初期{しょき}に
  • enshrined as showa era martyrs    《be ~》昭和殉難者{しょうわ じゅんなん しゃ}として祭られる[合祀{ごうし}される]
  • great merger of the showa era    《the ~》昭和{しょうわ}の大合併{だい がっぺい}◆市町村合併{しちょうそん がっぺい}が多かった1955年ごろのこと。
  • second decade of the showa era    昭和10年代
  • showa era martyr    昭和殉難者{しょうわ じゅんなん しゃ}
  • in the early showa period    昭和{しょうわ}の初期{しょき}に
  • enshrined as martyrs during the showa era    《be ~》昭和殉難者{しょうわ じゅんなん しゃ}として祭られる
  • early archaean era    始生代初期{しせいだい しょき}
  • early paleolithic era    《the ~》前期旧石器時代{ぜんき きゅうせっき じだい}
  • early paleozoic era    旧古生代{きゅう こせいだい}


  • also , mitsumasa yonai who was active as a prime minister and a navy minister in the early showa era took pride in being the descendant of abe no sadato .
  • in the early showa era , the growth of the citrus market reached its first peak with cultivation of chinese citron and navel oranges imported from the usa .
  • this shows that the famous literary works and phrases of buddhism were common sense for a member of society and the educated person beyond the religious schools in the early showa era .
  • ano zumi is a colloquial term for nozura zumi that came into use in the early showa era , meaning the stone walls that were laid by the ano-shu guild using mostly unprocessed natural stones .
  • he worked in mitsui noen farm (togoshi farm ), present dai-ichi engei , that mitsui-zaibatsu built with flowers and plants collected from all over the world during the meiji , taisho era and during and after the worlld war ii in the early showa era .
  • the garden of miscellaneous small trees propelled by juki (torasaburo ) ida in the early showa era called by juki as " natural taste " (juki called other gardens as " gardening taste " ), and the style was taken over by kenzo ogata and rapidly spread as cities became increasingly artificial .
  • when kan shimozawa made his shinsengumi sanbusaku public in the early showa era , shinsen-gumi ' s notoriety increased , and along with the reversal of views after the world war ii , there were more cases where shinsen-gumi was given the leading role , and attention was given to each member , and works were produced based on the members .
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