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indulge in 意味

"indulge in"の例文


  • ~にふける、~に身を任す、~に従事{じゅうじ}する、~に携わる
    He indulged in his passion for butterfly collecting. 彼は蝶収集の情熱にふけっていた。
  • indulge     indulge v. 好きなようにさせる, ふける, 喜ばせる, 楽しむ. 【副詞1】 In the US one cannot freely
  • indulge     indulge v. 好きなようにさせる, ふける, 喜ばせる, 楽しむ. 【副詞1】 In the US one cannot freely indulge in smoking in public places. アメリカでは公共の場所では自由に喫煙できない He indulged himself too freely in drinking. 酒を飲みすぎた
  • to indulge in    to indulge in 貪る むさぼる 耽ける 耽る ふける 溺れる おぼれる
  • indulge a patient    病人{びょうにん}を甘やかす
  • indulge in a cigar    葉巻{はまき}をたしなむ
  • indulge in a fad    流行{りゅうこう}にふける
  • indulge in a nap    昼寝{ひるね}を楽しむ
  • indulge in a vice    悪習{あくしゅう}に浸る
  • indulge in chatting with    (人)と話がはずむ
  • indulge in daydreams    白日夢{はくじつむ}にふける
  • indulge in debauchery    放蕩{ほうとう}にふける
  • indulge in deceit    詐欺{さぎ}にふける
  • indulge in dissipation    放蕩にふける
  • indulge in drink    酒にふける
  • indulge in drinking    酒におぼれる、飲酒{いんしゅ}にふける


  • master senno , why do ye incessantly indulge in black ?
    宗易殿は 何ゆえ黒を好むのか?
  • that violence is something that we indulge in
  • they want a place where they can indulge in sentimentality .
    彼らは 感傷に浸れる場所を 欲しているのだ。
  • i refuse to allow you to indulge in my psychosexual fantasies .
    私の性的妄想で あなたを 喜ばせはしない
  • you don't indulge in alcohol ?
  • you required a hidden room , just to indulge in your hobby ...
    趣味をひた隠しにするために こんな隠し部屋まで占拠しちゃって
  • if a ruler treats his people leniently they will indulge in luxury and neglect their primary role .'
  • we can't be considered men let's grab this opportunity to wipe out these greedy gangsters who indulge in luxury
    贅沢三昧のヤー公どもを ここで叩かにゃ 男じゃねえや!
  • owing to the failure of this expedition , yoshitaka gave up the government affairs and came to indulge in literature and pleasure .
  • in contrast to samurai warriors who have hard times in serving in the army , you , monks , build and live in good temples and indulge in luxury .'
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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