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less 意味

発音記号:[ les ]  読み方


  • less

  • less of    それほど~ではない、さほどでもなく
  • no less    {1} : それでもなお、やはり、同様{どうよう}に -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 実に、確かに、まさに、まさしく、ずばりそのもの◆たいていは、驚きや称賛を表すが、皮肉で使われることもある。 He drove a sport car. A Ferrar
  • not less    ~以上
  • not the less    それにもかかわらず
  • or less    or less 以下[化学]
  • will less    {形} :
  • will-less    {形} : 意志{いし}のない
  • less and less    次第に少なく、だんだん少なく
  • the less , the less     the léss ..., the léss ?the MORE ... the more...
  • become less and less frequent    足が遠のいて
  • becoming less and less acceptable    《be ~》ますます受け入れられなくなってきている
  • do less and less work    仕事をだんだんしなくなる
  • less and less used for    《be ~》ますます~に利用{りよう}されなくなっている
  • see less and less    どんどん見えなくなる
  • see less and less of    ~がどんどん見えなくなる


  • whose brains were more or less randomly peppered
  • less chance of something going wrong with your suit .
  • they become less interested in pursuing the case .
  • but that didn't make my children pain any less ;
    でもそれでは 子供達の心の傷は癒えなかった
  • they'll find someone else and it will cost them less .
    そっちの方が 安くすむだろうし
  • was you must get more from less and less and less
  • was you must get more from less and less and less
  • was you must get more from less and less and less
  • each weighing less than a slice of bread , by the way
    食パン1枚より 軽くできています
  • why would jennifers be deemed less competent
    何故ジェニファーはジョンより 能力がないと見なされ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • (comparative of `little'' usually used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree; "of less importance"; "less time to spend with the family"; "a shower uses less water"; "less than three years old"

  • Adverb
  • used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs; "less interesting"; "less expensive"; "less quickly"
    Synonyms: to a lesser extent, to a lesser extent,

  • comparative of little; "she walks less than she should"; "he works less these days"

  • used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs; "less interesting"; "less expensive"; "less quickly"
    Synonyms: to a lesser extent, to a lesser extent,

  • comparative of little; "she walks less than she should"; "he works less these days"

  • Adjective
  • (nonstandard in some uses but often idiomatic with measure phrases) fewer; "less than three weeks"; "no less than 50 people attended"; "in 25 words or less"

  • (usually preceded by `no'') lower in quality; "no less than perfect"

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