like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep 意味
- 猫にかつお節
If you can't trust me, who can you trust?
Thank you for trusting my judgment.
I couldn't trust myself to express my real feelings.
I don't trust myself to recognize the truth.
- like 1like n. 好み. 【動詞+】 She knows all his likes and dislikes.
- trusting {形} :
- wolf 1wolf n. オオカミ; (オオカミのように)残忍な人; 飢え. 【動詞+】 hunt wolves オオカミを狩る My
- watch 1watch n. (1) 腕時計. 【動詞+】 adjust one's watch to the radio time signal
- over over adv., prep. 超えて, 終わって; 一面に, 全体に. 【副詞】 It weighs a little over four
- sheep sheep n. 羊. 【動詞+】 count sheep (寝つけないとき)羊の数を数えて眠ろうとする dip sheep
- to watch to watch 見る みる 見張る みはる
- watch over ~の世話{せわ}をする、~を見守る{みまもる} Patty watched over Ed during his stay in the hospital.
- to watch over to watch over 見守る みまもる
- watch over like a mother hawk 優しいまなざしで見守る{みまもる}
- a wolf in sheep's clothing a wólf in shéep's clóthing 羊の皮をかぶったオオカミ,(敵意を隠した)偽善者.
- wolf in sheep's clothing wolf in sheep's clothing 猫被り ねこかぶり
- wolf in sheep's skin {1} : 《a ~》羊の皮を着た[かぶった]オオカミ、親切{しんせつ}を装った危険人物{きけん じんぶつ}、偽善者{ぎぜんしゃ}◆【用法】否定的な意味合いで。 You'll find a wolf in sheep's [lamb's] clothing [skin] wherever you go. どこに行っても偽善者はいるものだ。 ---------------------------
- like sheep lìke shéep 他人に影響されやすい.
- eat like a wolf もりもり食べる