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load 意味

発音記号:[ ləud ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: loaded   動詞 過去分詞: loaded   名詞 複数形: loads   動詞 現在分詞: loading   


  • (a) load    (a) load 積み荷 つみに
  • a load    a load 一荷 いっか
  • load with    ~をロードする、~を積み込む
  • no load    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
  • no-load    {名-1} : 無負荷{む ふか}、無荷重{む かじゅう} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • on load    オン?ロード
  • to load    to load 付ける 着ける つける
  • heat load or/and cooling load    heat load or/and cooling load 暖房負荷[機械]〈93B8624:氷蓄熱システム用語〉; 熱負荷[機械]〈93B8624:氷蓄熱システム用語〉; 冷暖房負荷[機械]〈93B8624:氷蓄熱システム用語〉; 冷房負荷[機械]〈93B8624:氷蓄熱システム用語〉
  • a horse load    a horse load 一駄 いちだ
  • acid load    酸負荷{さん ふか}
  • acoustic load    音響負荷{おんきょう ふか}
  • active load    active load 能動負荷[電情]
  • adhesion load    adhesion load 粘着荷重[機械]〈99E4001:鉄道車両用語〉
  • adhesive load    adhesive load 粘着荷重[機械]〈99E4001:鉄道車両用語〉
  • aerodynamic load    空力的負荷{くうりき てき ふか}


  • just load the magazine like this . rack it . simple .
    ピンを引いて 充填し 引くだけ
  • all members ! secure the load on the ground !
    [スピーカ]総員! 外の荷物を確保してください
  • this story was such a heavy load on you yuri .
    あんな話 荷が重かったわよね 由梨ちゃんには。
  • the base load energy supply for the world .
  • we have to load the albiore onto the tartarus .
  • i'll do this load again . it's fine . just come down .
    後はやるからいいわ 下に降りて
  • try to pitch five innings to lighten asano's load .
    浅野の負担を 軽くしてやるために
  • yeah , uhhuh . get a load of that stainedglass window .
    そうとも あの窓を見てな
  • 10 minutes ago . i saw it . a whole load of graffiti .
    10分前には この壁一面落書きが
  • when you recline you take away a lot of that load
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • goods carried by a large vehicle
    Synonyms: cargo, lading, freight, loading, payload, shipment, consignment,

  • weight to be borne or conveyed
    Synonyms: loading, burden,

  • electrical device to which electrical power is delivered

  • the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents
    Synonyms: warhead, payload,

  • an onerous or difficult concern; "the burden of responsibility"; "that''s a load off my mind"
    Synonyms: burden, encumbrance, incumbrance, onus,

  • a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks
    Synonyms: lode,

  • the power output of a generator or power plant

  • an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate; "he got a load on and started a brawl"

  • a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time; "the system broke down under excessive loads"
    Synonyms: loading,

  • Verb
  • corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones; "adulterate liquor"
    Synonyms: adulterate, stretch, dilute, debase,

  • fill or place a load on; "load a car"; "load the truck with hay"
    Synonyms: lade, laden, load up,

  • provide (a device) with something necessary; "He loaded his gun carefully"; "load the camera"
    Synonyms: charge,

  • put (something) on a structure or conveyance; "load the bags onto the trucks"

  • transfer from a storage device to a computer''s memory

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