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lunar new year 意味

"lunar new year"の例文


  • 旧正月、春節、小正月◆中国?台湾?海外華僑の旧正月ならば Chinese New Year が良い。韓国?北朝鮮では Lunar New Year(中国の属国、植民地の歴史観から)
  • lunar     lunar 太陰 たいいん
  • new     New Year n. 新年. 【動詞+】 celebrate the New Year 新年を祝う enter the New
  • year     year n. (1) 年, 1 年, 1 年間; 学年; 多年, 長い間, 時代. 【動詞+】 We have begun the year
  • new year     New Year 初春 しょしゅん はつはる 新年 しんねん 正月 しょうがつ
  • lunar calendar new year    Lunar calendar New Year 旧正月 きゅうしょうがつ
  • lunar new year banquet    仕事収め、忘年会{ぼうねんかい}、新年会{しんねんかい}◆華僑?台湾の旧正月前の職場でのパーティ。
  • lunar new year holidays    《the ~》旧正月{きゅうしょうがつ}の連休{れんきゅう}◆中国の春節
  • the 14th-16th days of the lunar new year    the 14th-16th days of the lunar New Year 小正月 こしょうがつ
  • lunar year    太陰年{たいいんねん}
  • in the new year    新年{しんねん}に
  • new year    New Year 初春 しょしゅん はつはる 新年 しんねん 正月 しょうがつ
  • new year's    = 、
  • new-year     Néw-Yéar 【形】 元日の,新年の《◆((米))では通例New Year's》. *new year /n(j)ú? jí?(r),((英+))-j??/ 1 [通例the ~] 新年,((英))年の初め. 2 [N~ Y~] 元日(とその前後の数日間) N~ Yèar's Dáy = ((米))N~ Year's 元日,1月1日《◆米国ではRose B
  • old year and the new year    行く年来る年
  • year end and new-year parties    


  • lunar new year 's completion busy ah
    圣诞节过后就要开始准备除夕和新年了 真是忙碌啊
  • i was thinking of just getting instant food the morning of the lunar new year
  • it is often held on either january 14 or january 15 (koshogatsu which means the lunar new year ).
  • the lunar new year (january 1 [the old calendar ]): 1+1=2 , 2÷6=0 , the remainder is 2 = > sakigachi .
    旧正月(1月1日 (旧暦)):1+12, 2÷60あまり2→先勝
  • the custom of giving money to children during the lunar new year is seen also in the other countries in asia .
  • bishamonten festival is held from 7th to 9th of the lunar new year at myoho-ji temple in fuji city , shizuoka prefecture .
    静岡県富士市の妙法寺 (富士市)で旧正月の7日から9日まで開催される。
  • tsukihama enzunowari lunar new year festival (march 15 , 2006; higashimatsushima city; enzunowari hozonkai [enzunowari preservation association ])
    月浜のえんずのわり(2006年3月15日 東松島市 えんずのわり保存会)
  • currently , it is january 1 when another year is added on the gregorian calendar in japan and korea; however , in china , the lunar new year (old new year ) is still observed .
  • many people misunderstood kigensetsu as a national holiday to celebrate january 1 of the old lunar calendar , or the lunar new year , partly due to this regulation .
  • in addition , the passage ' release life on lunar new year ' s day to show your gratitude ' in ' liezi ' (taoism book ) is the basis of conducting hojoe at buddhist temples .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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