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magnetic 意味

発音記号:[ mæg'netik ]  読み方


  • magnetic


  • everyone has a unique magnetic fingerprint .
    手続きにこだわるべきでは それこそが我々の問題だ
  • an engineering improvement to a magnetic tape recorder
  • magnetic force is generated only at my convenience
    自分の都合のいい時だけ 磁力が発生する
  • oh , the wonders of a planet with a magnetic field .
  • disrupt john connor's magnetic coherence field .
    ジョン・コナーの 磁力干渉場を邪魔してー
  • turn it into magnetic field , take that magnetic field
    磁界に変え 反対側で磁界を
  • turn it into magnetic field , take that magnetic field
    磁界に変え 反対側で磁界を
  • we placed it inside a box with magnetic sensors
  • a lot of insects use magnetic fields to navigate .
    多くの昆虫は 磁場を頼りに移動する
  • so there is no physical force , just a magnetic pulse .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • having the properties of a magnet; i.e. of attracting iron or steel; "the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material"
    Synonyms: magnetized, magnetised,

  • determined by earth''s magnetic fields; "magnetic north"; "the needle of a magnetic compass points to the magnetic north pole"

  • capable of being magnetized

  • of or relating to or caused by magnetism; "magnetic forces"

  • Adjective
  • possessing an extraordinary ability to attract; "a charismatic leader"; "a magnetic personality"
    Synonyms: charismatic,

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