(in the occasion of kuyo [a memorial service for the dead ] held at seijo-ji temple , conferred by zensaiin imperial princess toshi ). (成勝寺の供養。前斎院・統子内親王御給)
in 1100 he held a memorial service for the dead at the butsugen-in temple and was assigned to kengyo (temple or shrine administrator ). 康和2年(1100年)、仏眼院を供養し、検校に補された。
he adored and respected kanami , who was the pioneer of sarugaku noh , and held a memorial service for the dead on the death date on the 19th . また猿楽能の先駆者たる観阿弥を敬慕することあつく、観阿弥の命日である十九日にはかならず供養を行った。
since there was a memorial service for the dead in shin mi-do hall of kamakura okura ' s daiji-ji temple , he followed sanetomo as one of his accompanied soldiers . - 鎌倉大倉の大慈寺新御堂で供養があり、随兵の一人として実朝に付き従う。
as for chinese ritsuryo law , neglect of kuyo (a memorial service for the dead ) was regarded as fukyo , but it was not introduced in japanese ritsuryo law . なお、中国の律令法では、父母(祖父母)に対する供養の欠如も不孝とされていたが、日本の律令法には導入されなかった。
burying scriptures was one of the sazen koi (good deeds in buddhist terms ), and the practice of building a kyozuka site was called maikyo , which was considered kuyo (a memorial service for the dead ). 仏教的な作善行為の一種で、経塚を造営する供養のことを埋経という。
it was the transformation of a corpse that did not receive a proper kuyo (a memorial service for the dead ) and said to have appeared before a monk that failed in reading buddhist manuscripts . 充分な供養を受けていない死体が化けたもので、経文読みを怠っている僧侶のもとに現れるともいう。
as february of the old lunar calendar corresponds to new year in india , kuyo (a memorial service for the dead ) is said to be done , but in foreign countries there are no shuni-e and the origin is not clear . 旧暦の二月はインドの正月にあたるので仏への供養を行なうといわれているが、外国には修二会 はなく、本当の起源ははっきりしない。
in 793 , he was assigned as the chief priest of the kuyo (a memorial service for the dead ) at monju-do hall on mt . hiei , and the following year , in 794 , he conducted the completion ceremony of enryaku-ji temple ' s konpon-chudo hall as the doshi (head priest ). 793年(延暦12年)比叡山文殊堂供養の堂達を、翌794年(延暦13年)には延暦寺根本中堂落慶の導師をつとめた。
while the hijiri mainly underwent training in mountain forest , or wandered among various provinces , they obtained respect and support from common people , through various activities including building temples , pagodas , copying of a sutra , kuyo (a memorial service for the dead ), casting bells , promoting the building of bridges , roads , and harbors . 聖たちは、山林修行や諸国遊行を主としながらも造寺・造塔、写経、供養、鋳鐘、架橋や道路・港湾建設の勧進などの多彩な活動を通じて、民衆からの尊崇と支持を獲得していった。