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moving 意味

発音記号:[ 'mu:viŋ ]  読み方



  • moving from one grandmother's house to another one
  • after moving at high speed using fullbring is an
    《高速移動後の ブリンガーライトの明滅は
  • moving of the actual big cat statue .
    それは このあと時間差で置かれる 本当に大きな招き猫のためだ。
  • i ... the moving right leg also ceased to move .
    私... 動いてた右足も 動かなくなった。
  • is it still called work when you're not actually moving ?
  • you're moving on . you're going to a new place .
    引越しの準備中でしょ どこか新しいところへ
  • think about how your lure is moving in the water
    水ん中のルアーが 今 どこを動いてるか。
  • it was like she was moving at the speed of sound .
    ジェット機のように 音速で動いてたんだ
  • your father and i have been talking about moving .
    友達の近くに居たいし あなたの将来は?
  • what did get me moving was a social interaction .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • arousing or capable of arousing deep emotion; "she laid her case of destitution before him in a very moving letter"- N. Hawthorne

  • in motion; "a constantly moving crowd"; "the moving parts of the machine"

  • used of a series of photographs presented so as to create the illusion of motion; "Her ambition was to be in moving pictures or `the movies''"

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