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normal 意味

発音記号:[ 'nɔ:məl ]  読み方
名詞 複数形: normals   


  • as normal    基準{きじゅん}として、いつものように
  • normal...    normal... 正常[医生]
  • above normal    {形} :
  • above the normal    標準以上で、標準{ひょうじゅん}より上で
  • above-normal    {形} : 平均以上{へいきん いじょう}の、普通以上{ふつう いじょう}の、並みより上の、超過{ちょうか}の
  • anatomically normal    {形} :
  • anatomically-normal    {形} : 解剖学的{かいぼうがくてき}に正常{せいじょう}な
  • apparently normal    {形} :
  • apparently-normal    {形} : 外見上正常{がいけんじょう せいじょう}に見える
  • as per normal    通常{つうじょう}どおり
  • ascorbate normal    アスコルビン酸塩正常{さんえん せいじょう}
  • at normal pressures    常圧(で)
  • at normal temperature    常温(で)
  • at normal times    平時は、平常は
  • back to normal    《be ~》いつも[通常{つうじょう}?普段{ふだん}]の状態{じょうたい}に戻る、正常{せいじょう}[平常{へいじょう}]に戻る、調子が戻る、熱が下がる His temperature is back to normal. 彼の熱は下がった。


  • yeah , on top of my head , like a normal person .
    そう 頭のてっぺんは まともに見えるだろ
  • but if we come back today , during a normal condition
    今日 同じ場所を平常時に訪れると
  • a journey we'd have to make nearly normal
    その道を渡ることができる ほとんどいつも渡ることができる
  • women ' s vocational art school normal school course
  • you just carry on with your normal work routine .
    あなたはいつも通り 仕事を続けて下さい
  • so i thought , ok , i'll just start my normal routine .
  • at 3 .3 times the normal level right now .
  • as you can see , she's just like a normal human .
    まあ 見てのとおり 普通の人間と同じだよ
  • it certainly is weird to have a dojo in a normal house .
  • what do you prefer doctor , kimono or normal dress ?
    先生はさ 着物とドレス どっち派?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal; "serve wine at normal room temperature"; "normal diplomatic relations"; "normal working hours"; "normal word order"; "normal curiosity"; "the normal course of events"

  • being approximately average or within certain limits in e.g. intelligence and development; "a perfectly normal child"; "of normal intelligence"; "the most normal person I''ve ever met"

  • in accordance with scientific laws

  • Adjective
  • forming a right angle

  • Noun
  • something regarded as a normative example; "the convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors"
    Synonyms: convention, pattern, rule, formula,

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