the door is considered to be the one on which masatsura kusunoki carved his death poem ' since i will never come back alive , i am writing down the names of my fellows and me , who are to be numbered among the dead ,' when leaving for the front in the battle of shijonawate . 楠木正行が四条畷の戦いに出陣する時に、「かへらじとかねて思へば梓弓なき数に入る名をぞとどむる」と本堂の扉に辞世の歌を刻んだ、その扉とされている。
it is said that masatsura kusunoki , the eldest son of masashige kusunoki , together with his families and retainers , paid a visit to the imperial tomb of emperor godaigo in this temple and wrote his death poem ' since i will never come back alive , i am writing down the names of my fellows and me , who are to be numbered among the dead ,' when leaving for the front in the battle of shijonawate in january 1348 . 正平2年12月(1346年)、楠木正成の長男・楠木正行が四条畷の戦いに出陣するに際し、一族郎党とともに当寺にある後醍醐天皇陵に詣で、辞世の歌「かへらじとかねて思へば梓弓なき数に入る名をぞとどむる」を詠んだという。