of one accord 意味
- 《be ~》一致{いっち}している
The heads of state were of one accord. 首脳は皆、意見が一致した。
- one one n., pron. 1, 1 つ, 1 人; 一方; 人, もの; 一撃. 【動詞+】 exchange one for the
- accord 1accord n. 一致, 調和; 同意, 合意; 協定; 自発性; 和音. 【動詞+】 The two governments have
- with one accord with one accord 翕然 きゅうぜん
- accord with one's colleagues 同僚{どうりょう}と和合{わごう}する
- act on one's own accord 独自{どくじ}に行動{こうどう}する
- of one's own accord of one's own accord 好んで このんで
- act upon one's own accord
- accord 1accord n. 一致, 調和; 同意, 合意; 協定; 自発性; 和音. 【動詞+】 The two governments have concluded an accord. 両国政府は協定を結んだ establish an accord 協定を成立させる The two negotiators produced an accord on trad
- accord with ~と一致[調和?合致]する、~と合う
- in accord on 《be ~》~について一致{いっち}している◆意見や方針が
- in accord with ~と一致{いっち}[調和{ちょうわ}?合致{がっち}]して、~に合って、~を踏まえて◆【略】IAW His behavior is not in accord with his statement. 彼は言動が一致していない。
- in fact in this incident , the number of senior vassals who were decapitated was three and the one of feudal retainers was eleven , which were of one accord .